Wishful Thinking

Things may seem to hit us from behind, when we are not looking,
sideswipe us when our heads are in the clouds,
or give us whip lash when we think we are focused and prepared for anything!

There is no right or wrong way to make adjustments, if you are less than
well adjusted, in any area of your life… It is up to you what you need to do,
and up to you what is best for you.…
But there is a great and exciting secret I can share with you that can allow for
preventive measures in regards to preparing for unforeseen
hits that may cause you to be a bit startled..

Wishful Thinking!

Life is going to come at you from all sides- be it the front, side, and many a time,
hit you from behind. It is what it is.

But, I can speak from experience when I say, if you look at things with a
positive mind, more often than not, you will get positive back.

Ever notice how your day just seems to follow suit, when you stub your foot, sometimes, positively and happily jumping out of bed ready to conquer the world? Your whole mood shifts, your views on the day change, and you quickly change your mindset, causing your day to sometimes “seemingly” be downhill from there.

If you can allow for each circumstance to not interfere with the next, and take things in stride, without breaking your positive stride, certainly your day will only get better!

It is not childish to think everything is going to be just fine, as the secret to happiness is paying attention to the wonders of the world, not wondering why things less than satisfying are happening.

So, walk with your head held high, and if you miss the coffee table, and stub your toe?
Bite your lip, wipe the tear, scream if you must! But walk it off, and allow for the next moment to pass without passing up every opportunity to be thankful for all that is around you!

And if you wish for things in your life to get better, believe them to be so.

Don’t spend your time thinking you can’t have it all, and spend your time knowing you can!

LuCy sMiLeS

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