It is our belief, more often than not, that we need to be working hard, stressed, and under the gun, to feel that we are accomplishing something, and to make it worthwhile for the paycheck at the end of the week.
Taking on challenges is great for the mind and great for the soul,
and allows us to see ourselves for the productive and effective individuals that we are.
Of course, no one is going to pay the bills for us, no one will mow the lawn,
take out the trash, and feed the kids-that is if we are fortunate enough to be blessed with little ones-
but as well as it is imperative to make sure we are making ends meet,
we must put at the forefront of our minds, making sure our needs are met!
Be sure to watch out and take care of all that is around you,
to have balance in your days, and your surrounding, but also be sure to watch for what is going on inside, or you may find yourself a little off-centre…
One of the best ways to get a grip on grueling days of taking care of all the chaos,
is to get out, and enjoy a breath of fresh air once in a while!
The chaos will be there when you return, but if you return with a
clear head, and a clear mind, you may be that much more able to tackle the trivia that surrounds today!
So if you hear someone struggling with an issue,
a stressful situation, or simply in need of a shift?
Make a suggestion!
“Get Out!?!
LuCy sMiLeS
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