Imagine if you had all the answers in advance. You started out, on this beautiful course called life, and someone at the “starting line” handed you a sheet with all the answers; all of the turns to take ; all of the people to meet, who will only be the perfect people to meet, and they have all the answers for you, for your journey.
Imagine you were told your heart will never be torn; you will never have to turn in circles to find the right track; you will always just know for sure all that you need, and want, as it will be labeled just that, and everything will always just be as you could have ever imagined?
Midnight streets, will have you swept off your feet to the light of day, and life would always be just so sweet.
Everything in life will not always last, we will not always have the answers to life’s questions.
We will not always be sure that what we are doing is right.
We will have to get thrown once in a while.
And we will realize that life does go on…
We will be swept off our feet, once in a while, in love,
and for all the times we get carried to the next step- we will ,as well, be able to carry someone to their next step too.
Mistakes will be made, fears will take over, the seemingly easy road will
sometimes end up being the hardest,
and many of the times the path that we are most afraid to take,
will be the path to greatest.
Inevitably, this path you may not know, is the best path for you.
But if you follow your heart, which only knows love,
then chances are you can rest assured that you are making the right choices.
And if you are not sure, and you shiver along this path,
you can ask your heart to remind you that you will be ok.
It knows that you, yourself, don’t have all the answers. And it loves to carry you.
So, don’t mind it you don’t!
LuCy sMiLeS
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