Every day that passes, there are many people we will pass along the way. Whether it’s our co-workers who we involve conversation with, our families and loved ones, we will share our days with, or the stranger at the market, with whom we will randomly connect with.
It is common practice to ask people how they are doing when we are initializing conversation, just as it is to close the conversation with a kind statement before heading on our way again.
When we ask “How are you doing” when starting a conversation, it is all too often that the responses are not so gleaming or extravagant.
The famous of course being “I am fine…”, or sometimes, “…surviving!?!”, and less self assured is “could be better!”
And focusing on the end of the conversation, when parting takes place, we are very likely to wish a person well, or express “Take Care! Now!”
If we can really take a look at what we say, day in and day out, and reflect, perhaps we would be able to pay attention to how we are really feeling, from looking at what we put out there to others.
I once, not too long ago, asked a gentleman, “How are you?”
He confidently answered, and happy to do so…
“Having the best lifetime!”
I had to stop and take one step back!
I have to say that was one of the best answers I have ever had
someone respond, to that everyday question!
And why should that be a surprise?
Can’t we BE having the best lifetime?
And, if we are not, maybe we need to sit for a moment,
ask ourselves what we could be doing to have the best lifetime,
and go and take care of it! If we don’t do it for ourselves,
we cannot expect anyone else to do it for us!
And the faster we take care of everything in our lives that will allow
us to have the best lifetime, well, the faster we can have the best lifetime!
So take care now, ya hear!?!
LuCy sMiLeS
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