It is always said we must follow our intuition. Easier said than done, right?
Sometimes, rather than “go with” my intuition-
I scold her, condescend her, or ignore her altogether.
She puts up a good fight, let me tell you.
Interestingly, and much appreciated, she always comes back with just as supportive guidance as before .
Now, this is what I call “unconditional love!”
It is not so much that we are confused with what we are trying to tell ourselves is the best route to take; as we are just simply not willing or interested in making the turn at this point!
Also interesting to observe is that our inner voice has nothing to gain, and certainly does not comprehend there being any intention other than pure harmony!
What entertains me the most when I look back on my route, and what directions I DID take to get to where I am, is that I will have ended up here, either way. It was simply how did I chose to get here. How many stops did I make; who did I ask directions from; did I know all along where to go, and ask for guidance from a passerby anyway?
Whose directions did I follow?
There will always be a road unfamiliar, where we must seek guidance to help us along our path.
But if your inner compass is guiding you just fine, and you are on a steady pace, why break your stride, if you are on a roll, on your own?
You know when the signals ask you to stop.
But when they are flashing green…
Go on!
LuCy sMiLeS
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