As sure as the sun rises in the morning, we can be just as sure of ourselves rising to every occasion that we choose in our hearts will be in our best interest, or something our hearts desire.
My heart speaks to me, every day I rise, with the mantra “ never NOT do something” that will help you grow- and if you believe in something strongly enough, do everything you can to achieve in getting there, creating what this strong vision is that your mind is constantly whispering to you.
While it is hard to change in the short term, and we don’t just jump straight into what it is we need to do to grow, making subtle and simple steps, daily will help us get there. Remaining in an environment that is not helping us grow, causes long term detriment, and also causes a much harder challenge in front of us to make the eventual shift, not only in our physical space, but our mental space.
Every experience in our lives, prepares us for the next. If you look back at what you have gone through, you may notice that the sequence has been so harmoniously laid out, and if you were to imagine going through what you have in your recent years, in years before, instead, you would see that you truly have progressed precisely to your place, with no accidental circumstance.
I could not have very well experienced life’s lessons of last year, any time before I did. I would not have been ready to conquer the chaotic currents with such confidence, test the tides with triumph, or fulfill my dreams with such focus.
Believe in yourself, and your purpose, and better yet, believe that where you are now, is the only place you can be;
No other place exists.
LuCy sMiLeS
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