Easy Does It!
It is always said we must follow our intuition. Easier said than done, right?
Sometimes, rather than “go with” my intuition-
I scold her, condescend her, or ignore her altogether.
She puts up a good fight, let me tell you.
Interestingly, and much appreciated, she always comes back with just as supportive guidance as before .
Now, this is what I call “unconditional love!”
It is not so much that we are confused with what we are trying to tell ourselves is the best route to take; as we are just simply not willing or interested in making the turn at this point!
Also interesting to observe is that our inner voice has nothing to gain, and certainly does not comprehend there being any intention other than pure harmony!
What entertains me the most when I look back on my route, and what directions I DID take to get to where I am, is that I will have ended up here, either way. It was simply how did I chose to get here. How many stops did I make; who did I ask directions from; did I know all along where to go, and ask for guidance from a passerby anyway?
Whose directions did I follow?
There will always be a road unfamiliar, where we must seek guidance to help us along our path.
But if your inner compass is guiding you just fine, and you are on a steady pace, why break your stride, if you are on a roll, on your own?
You know when the signals ask you to stop.
But when they are flashing green…
Go on!
LuCy sMiLeS
Never Not
As sure as the sun rises in the morning, we can be just as sure of ourselves rising to every occasion that we choose in our hearts will be in our best interest, or something our hearts desire.
My heart speaks to me, every day I rise, with the mantra “ never NOT do something” that will help you grow- and if you believe in something strongly enough, do everything you can to achieve in getting there, creating what this strong vision is that your mind is constantly whispering to you.
While it is hard to change in the short term, and we don’t just jump straight into what it is we need to do to grow, making subtle and simple steps, daily will help us get there. Remaining in an environment that is not helping us grow, causes long term detriment, and also causes a much harder challenge in front of us to make the eventual shift, not only in our physical space, but our mental space.
Every experience in our lives, prepares us for the next. If you look back at what you have gone through, you may notice that the sequence has been so harmoniously laid out, and if you were to imagine going through what you have in your recent years, in years before, instead, you would see that you truly have progressed precisely to your place, with no accidental circumstance.
I could not have very well experienced life’s lessons of last year, any time before I did. I would not have been ready to conquer the chaotic currents with such confidence, test the tides with triumph, or fulfill my dreams with such focus.
Believe in yourself, and your purpose, and better yet, believe that where you are now, is the only place you can be;
No other place exists.
LuCy sMiLeS
It's Inevitable
Change is inevitable in life. It is what allows for growth. Many of us are able to embrace it with excitement, and look forward to what new experiences will be created from change.
Others, hide in the dark, in hopes that when they come back out, everything will be left just as is, and all will be well again.
Allow what is, don’t fight what isn’t…
Sometimes we are going to experience things where we feel like we would rather just give up all together, and that we cannot physically take any more. And then maybe something else will happen, yet again, after we thought we had been faced with all that we could imagine…
Those are the times, that when you fight through, without a doubt of failure, you can stop when its all over-look back-and be so blessed to see what you are capable of.
Just when you think you are at the end of
your rope? Don’t look down… don’t stop and worry…
don’t despair… Just keep on working through it;
knowing that you have every opportunity to succeed.
And if need to you stop? Use it to look fear in the face;
smile, and continue on your way…
And when it doubt? Let it out!
It feels good once in a while..
Believe me;)
Far Fetched
All of us, at one point or another have had a dream in our minds that we thought was much too big to fulfill,
and have since put it on the back burner, to pay more attention to the more realistic of goals we are set out to meet.
When we were younger, our experiences with reactions from adults; whether it be our parents, our teachers, or older siblings , could have been what prevented us from believing that we were not
worthy enough to accomplish those said to be “far fetched” ideas…
If we can take away the programming from the past, and the opinions of those who say things cannot be done, and realize that any dream we have is our subconscious mind telling us that
anything is possible; maybe we can change our views on our worth and begin to create the life we only dreamed possible.
For anything we think, we can then create, just the same. Just as we can believe it cannot be done, we can believe it can. And if we need to try something and fail- then at least we tried.
Even better, we can try again, and know for certain what not to do, the next time.
And if we fail again, that is another opportunity to try again.
If you are willing to try, you are making your way.
And if you think it is too far fetched?
Prove it!
LuCy sMiLeS
Life, Unlabelled
As soon we open our eyes to start our day, we are already exposed to a numerous array of branded materials that are our lives. From our beeping alarm clock, to the toothpaste we use, to shampoo, the razor, and the hairdryer. Before we even head down to the kitchen to pour our favorite cereal, we cannot help but be bombarded by labels.
Our daily commutes, no matter what the vehicle, consists of billboards, bus signs,
taxi advertisements, and if you look up high enough,
you may notice almost every building has a logo.
Not just for the items we use, do we categorize as premium-
over run of the mill- dependent on their
name and status to society.
We do so, as well, with our relationships.
All too often we are more analytical when it comes
to expectations on what we want to look like to someone,
how we want the relationship to be positioned,
and what rank we need to be at the feel fulfilled.
If we put all the labels aside, therefore our ego aside, we can only embrace,
then, the amazing connections we have with others, and not be so concerned if we have
the competitive edge over someone else in their lives, but rather have no competition at all.
We should have no expectation of what it should look like, how it should be performed to
suit our needs, but rather embrace it for he soul connection that it is, whatever that may be.
Let’s bring the world back to “using things and loving people,” rather than
“loving things, and using people”
LuCy sMiLeS
I've Got To Hand It To You
Sitting by the ocean, she looks out."
With many emotions about life, love, truth, freedom, and expression of all she need in her life.
It is so easy to "run away" and not pay attention to negative thoughts in our minds, to create other situations, and be "busy," so we can divert the attention to something less emotionally draining than the issues, we may be dealing with, at hand.
No matter how far we run, or how many "other" things we put in the way, for now; sooner or later we have to recognize what is and has always been in front of us, until we deal with it rightfully and then move on.
Many of us, myself included, are so very blessed that many of the
"issues" we have diverted from, are so trivial, that the only hardship, really,
is the fact that they are put aside, and may be piling up...
"As she looked out, she was already exposed to several
instances in which she was happy were not her issues,
and she did not to have the stress of dealing with."
But when you look at the world as a whole, and the whole lot of pain, suffering
and life threatening issues that many are faced with, one might sit back and reflect...
"To herself, she thinks : 'I cannot very well sit,
overlooking the ocean waters, surrounded by green livelihood, laughing people,
and beautiful music, and be able to focus on what I don't have!'"
And, as for what she does have, she lovingly takes the good with the bad, as one cannot have one without the other… and as her intuitive self hands her issues, again, to remind her what she is dealing with, in hopes that she won't just put it aside only to pile up- she looks up; smiles; gives thanks, and opens herself to all of her wonderful and magical life blessings, no matter what they look like!
"You cannot judge a book by it's cover“
Sometimes what we are faced with may look scary, and end up being the best of all blessing we have been blessed with!
LuCy sMiLeS
Get Out!?!
It is our belief, more often than not, that we need to be working hard, stressed, and under the gun, to feel that we are accomplishing something, and to make it worthwhile for the paycheck at the end of the week.
Taking on challenges is great for the mind and great for the soul,
and allows us to see ourselves for the productive and effective individuals that we are.
Of course, no one is going to pay the bills for us, no one will mow the lawn,
take out the trash, and feed the kids-that is if we are fortunate enough to be blessed with little ones-
but as well as it is imperative to make sure we are making ends meet,
we must put at the forefront of our minds, making sure our needs are met!
Be sure to watch out and take care of all that is around you,
to have balance in your days, and your surrounding, but also be sure to watch for what is going on inside, or you may find yourself a little off-centre…
One of the best ways to get a grip on grueling days of taking care of all the chaos,
is to get out, and enjoy a breath of fresh air once in a while!
The chaos will be there when you return, but if you return with a
clear head, and a clear mind, you may be that much more able to tackle the trivia that surrounds today!
So if you hear someone struggling with an issue,
a stressful situation, or simply in need of a shift?
Make a suggestion!
“Get Out!?!
LuCy sMiLeS
La Vie En Rose
“When you change the way you look at things, things change” Author Unknown
It is true, isn’t it?
We can look a things in ways, that either allow us to grow, or allow us to falter.
It doesn’t matter what the issue, what the circumstance;
for every single situation, it has been looked at by someone,
in both a positive way, and another, a negative way.
Things are going to come up in our lives,
and we may want to sit and say “why me?”
Either way, they will come up!
We cannot control all that happens,
but we can control our choices in reaction to it.
To be able to walk our path, and be open to embracing every
experience as an opportunity to grow, and learn;
we can walk a little taller!
To be at peace with life, for all it has to offer, and really allow it and say
“ I see this for what it is, and I chose to react to this in the best way that will
allow me to be in integrity, in love and in peace with myself as I go through this”,
we can rest assured with faith that just as everything we have experienced, to now,
has happened and has passed into our past, this, too, shall pass…
Life can be a bed of roses, so just think of the thorns here and there as reminders that we are strong enough to take life in, whatever the experience!
LuCy sMiLeS
Hang On!
Things can change in a minute.
One minute you have it all worked out, and the next minute, something or someone will throw you for a loop!
Other times, you think it is going to be impossible to get back in the swing of things, but as soon as you let go of the fear that things are not going to work out, all of a sudden all the answers to life’s questions are in front of you.
We are always going to have those days, where our clothes don’t fit, we cannot find the other sock, the last of the toothpaste has been used, and, for me, one of the worst, is realizing I am out of conditioner for my hair!
Big hairy deal!
There is much to much magic in the world, and around us, for us to be worrying about the little things, that we can quickly change.
If we can change our outlook, we can certainly change our outfits, if the original fit is not right!
If we can walk with eyes wide open and be open to the possibility that we can create today however we wish, and we can create for ourselves the lives that we may have only ever dreamed of, then we can certainly get over the rainy day humps now and then.
Nothing and no one is perfect, but if you can believe that your life can be how you chose it to be, you will see that some days, you need to be on your own, to reflect on your life, reflect on what you want going forward, and how you are going to get yourself there. And you will, if you have the will to believe!
And if you don’t think you can do it, hang on, and don’t let go.
LuCy sMiLeS
This One’s For you!
Possibly the hardest thing we can do for ourselves, is to give to ourselves.
Everyday, in many ways, we are giving to others in ways we may not even realize.
If we sit and reflect on our days, we can see what many interactions we experience, and how they completely affect our days, and in turn, our lives.
A smile, a look, a slight touch, or compliment from others- and many times, just when we need it.
How many times, have you perhaps sat in silence, in sadness, on a thought or feeling, and then looked up to a friend, an email, a phone call that completely transformed your sadness to a smile?
And just as many have been there for you, you have been there for many.
And just as you have been there for many, you can been there for you.
It is wonderful… Magical… to have friends, and support in our lives, when the going gets tough, and we are not sure we can go anymore.
But the best part of support, is being there for ourselves.
It is unconditional, and always available.
Often times, we forget that we are our own best friends!
We can hold ourselves up to get through
the tides, that many seem too high.
We are so blessed to have friends in our lives, that love and care for us,
make us laugh, remind us of how we make them laugh too..
And the best of smiles come when you say to yourself…
“This One’s For You!”
LuCy sMiLeS
Don’t Mind it I Don’t
Imagine if you had all the answers in advance. You started out, on this beautiful course called life, and someone at the “starting line” handed you a sheet with all the answers; all of the turns to take ; all of the people to meet, who will only be the perfect people to meet, and they have all the answers for you, for your journey.
Imagine you were told your heart will never be torn; you will never have to turn in circles to find the right track; you will always just know for sure all that you need, and want, as it will be labeled just that, and everything will always just be as you could have ever imagined?
Midnight streets, will have you swept off your feet to the light of day, and life would always be just so sweet.
Everything in life will not always last, we will not always have the answers to life’s questions.
We will not always be sure that what we are doing is right.
We will have to get thrown once in a while.
And we will realize that life does go on…
We will be swept off our feet, once in a while, in love,
and for all the times we get carried to the next step- we will ,as well, be able to carry someone to their next step too.
Mistakes will be made, fears will take over, the seemingly easy road will
sometimes end up being the hardest,
and many of the times the path that we are most afraid to take,
will be the path to greatest.
Inevitably, this path you may not know, is the best path for you.
But if you follow your heart, which only knows love,
then chances are you can rest assured that you are making the right choices.
And if you are not sure, and you shiver along this path,
you can ask your heart to remind you that you will be ok.
It knows that you, yourself, don’t have all the answers. And it loves to carry you.
So, don’t mind it you don’t!
LuCy sMiLeS
Don’t Mind if I Do!
How many relationships, connections, even quick interactions we have, have given us messages that we could take, and take personally into our own lives, to help us see things in a different light?
When others share their stories, their dreams, and even their “opinionated” thoughts on things that they have been through- there is always a part of us that takes part of their story, and use it for our own good.
It is not to say that we are highly influenced, but rather, we are all here, to share our thoughts, and experiences to help others perhaps see circumstances more objectively and ponder things in ways
we may not have really tuned in to.
Just as our friends don’t mind telling us their opinions on things- we must be able to listen, sit with, and decide if their opinion does actually strike in us, something that we can use, or something
we can thank them for, walk, toss aside, and decide from this, that what we need to understand- from within.
Hindsight is 20/20, and we have a 50/50 chance of either using or tossing our friends’ advice,
if we hold them dear, and very close to our hearts, since they do have OUR best interest at hearts.
So, my best advice in the matters of the heart are to listen, and look within…
And if, by chance, you chose to go with the gang, be sure you are choosing your best interest at heart, wholeheartedly, as you are the best judge for what’s best for you..
Thank You…Don’t Mind if I Do!
LuCy sMiLeS
Take Care Now!
Every day that passes, there are many people we will pass along the way. Whether it’s our co-workers who we involve conversation with, our families and loved ones, we will share our days with, or the stranger at the market, with whom we will randomly connect with.
It is common practice to ask people how they are doing when we are initializing conversation, just as it is to close the conversation with a kind statement before heading on our way again.
When we ask “How are you doing” when starting a conversation, it is all too often that the responses are not so gleaming or extravagant.
The famous of course being “I am fine…”, or sometimes, “…surviving!?!”, and less self assured is “could be better!”
And focusing on the end of the conversation, when parting takes place, we are very likely to wish a person well, or express “Take Care! Now!”
If we can really take a look at what we say, day in and day out, and reflect, perhaps we would be able to pay attention to how we are really feeling, from looking at what we put out there to others.
I once, not too long ago, asked a gentleman, “How are you?”
He confidently answered, and happy to do so…
“Having the best lifetime!”
I had to stop and take one step back!
I have to say that was one of the best answers I have ever had
someone respond, to that everyday question!
And why should that be a surprise?
Can’t we BE having the best lifetime?
And, if we are not, maybe we need to sit for a moment,
ask ourselves what we could be doing to have the best lifetime,
and go and take care of it! If we don’t do it for ourselves,
we cannot expect anyone else to do it for us!
And the faster we take care of everything in our lives that will allow
us to have the best lifetime, well, the faster we can have the best lifetime!
So take care now, ya hear!?!
LuCy sMiLeS
Attention Please!
When I was in school, as many of you, there were some subjects that I was either just not interested in, and some I would have been more interested in, had I any clue what the lesson was all about.
As with life, we get stumped once in a while. Like a formula that we try to calculate over and over again, getting the same wrong answer!
Sometimes all we need to do is look at the formula differently. Try new ways to find a solution.
Once we do this, many times we can be successful.
And isn’t it funny, once you have the solution, and really understand how it all worked out, you look back on your “stumped” episode in time, and have to laugh.
“How didn’t I get it?”… “What was I thinking?”… “How could I have looked at it that way?”
Not everything in life, will we “get” right away… Sometimes it takes doing the same things over and over again, and realizing the solution is only found, once we change our ways of thinking, and take a chance on trying things out, differently.
And sometimes, it is scary when we see things for what they actually are,
and even people for who they actually are, when we get the lesson was being taught,
and realize our thoughts and our assumptions in the past,
were based on not understanding the lesson, and also not understanding
the person.
Lessons in school, or lessons in life. We will get it when we get it.
Not before, and not after the fact. But exactly when we are to get it.
Many say we already chose to learn before we were born,
and others say our choices are mapped out for us.
Either way, they are ours, however they are learned.
Paying attention will allow us to have a head start at the work in front of us,
and what tools will help us find the solutions to life’s lessons…
LuCy sMiLeS
Three Days “Grace”
Life, as we know it is a series of choices. As we get older, and look back on some of the choices we have made and the results of them, we certainly have a more dignified way of continuing to chose, (most of time), that would more often that not result in better outcomes.
We make choices based on experience, knowledge, and sometimes based on chance and the hope that all will be well.
Even if we have the decision set in stone for something… be it to change jobs, change homes, change relationship dynamics, or change our way of thinking altogether, through involving ourselves in study for personal growth; we all need to also decide, when we can, to have three days grace period to allow ourselves the transition of these, sometimes life altering decisions. We can be confident in our choices, and confident that what our decisions are, are in our best interest, and taking us on our authentic path.
But, without giving ourselves time to breathe in, and take hold of our emotions, understand them, and embrace them, we may be preventing ourselves from really tuning into what is best for us. The slower you can go, and the more calm you are, the more aware you will be about what is right for you.
So even if you are certain of what is right, allow yourself time to look at this decision, explore it for all it is, and own it, confidently. Be with yourself, and feel grateful for your choice and what it means to you, and certainly allow three days grace before you jump back into life and the continuous everyday decisions that come with it!
LuCy sMiLeS
Forget Me Not
For many of us; we may be pulled in many directions,
when it comes to taking care of and giving our attention to all
those around us, that we love and care for.
It is not the easiest thing in the world to keep in touch,
with all our friends, around the world that we have connected
with in all our years of living, let alone trying to maintain and
continuously build those strong and extremely close relationships
with those we physically surround ourselves with everyday.
To add to that, one relationship that one many a times neglect most, in this chaos of keeping in touch with others, is remembering to keep in touch with ourselves.
We want to be there for our friends, and for those that we love, as much as we can, but in the battle with time, and work and responsibilities that fill our days, and our minds, we more often than not, forget our relationship with ourselves.
If we are not good to ourselves, we are not good to anybody, as our foundation in relationships in this world, is only as good as our relationship with self.
So don’t feel selfish if you need to take time to look at and nurture what is best for you, as it only then will help in your care for what is best for others, after all. And only you know what you have to do and where you have to go, to be at peace and in love.
The pressures of everyday are inevitable, so don’t pressure yourself to show up in every relationship, if you have not shown up in yours with you.
And if you are not sure what you need to do to be the best version of you, just follow your heart for guidance, it doesn’t know any better than what is truly right.
And that is good enough for me!
LuCy sMiLeS
Sunshine When it Rains…
There are a few things we cannot control in life; as much as we wish we could.
We also have to realize that we will always get by; we will always pull ourselves together, no matter what the situation.
Are we not here, after everything we have been through, to date?
There must be something to be said about that!
Life is filled with such beauty, and most of all it is filled with such beautiful people to come into our lives when we
may need little sunshine when it rains.
One thing we have to understand is that for everyone who enters our lives to aid us in times that may be trying,
we are just as much there to help them.
Embrace those who are around you, receive what they have to offer, and know that you have just as much to offer back.
We never have any guarantees in life, but all I know is that I am here, and maybe there for you. And you are just as much here, for me, too.
I am not going to wonder too much about what I have to do, as much as what I have to offer all those around me.
If we can just live our lives knowing that no matter what we chose- it is always the right choice;no matter what we think- it will be ok to believe, and no matter what we decide to say, it needs to be said~ then maybe we can live without worry, love without fear and care without apprehension…
Imagine just living?
It is like a ray of sunshine when it rains…
LuCy sMiLeS
Chill Out!
No matter how you feel; what you are thinking, or where you are going; there is one thing that can take all the stress of yesterday’s happenings, today’s worries, and tomorrow’s wonders, away…
Chilling out!
There is only so much time in the day, and there are only so many things we can take care of in this little amount of time we have been given from waking up, to resting our heads after it is all said and done.
Behind every problem there is a solution, and for every hard hit there is a powerful lesson.
But if we don’t give ourselves the time to stop, smell the roses, and enjoy the world for all the breathtaking beauty it has to offer,
we are not giving ourselves the opportunity to get clear on our purpose.
I took time today to walk on the ocean, for the first time in months, and after having thought of the story of the Starfish, for over a week, I, without coincidence, having given myself an hour to chill out, walked right up to just that…
A beautiful starfish, right at my feet.
Our thoughts manifest into reality, as we are aware.
But if we let the noise of fear, of skepticism contain our minds, we will not be able to see the magic and the beauty that sweeps the earth. Or the starfish that are swept up on shore, right to our feet, to remind
us that we are worth all that we want, and though we may be
only one in a billion people, we are the world to many of those people.
I would not have reminded myself to keep my head above water,
had I not taken the time to walk beside it.
Taking care of business is always important to maintaining a
happy and comfortable life.
But just as important is choosing “you”, and sometimes even
more so important is to “chill out!”
LuCy sMiLeS
Questa Vita Bella!
Maybe you woke up this morning, realizing you have so much on your plate that you would rather just hide back under the covers.
Maybe you woke this morning, and realized you had a sleepless night, from stress of how you are going to pay your pending bills.
Maybe you woke up this morning, and starting thinking of all that was in your mind before you fell asleep from the exhaustion of thinking so much about all the stresses and hardships you have been dealing with in your life.
We all have stress, some of us, this morning, more than others could possibly imagine dealing with.
Inevitably, however, all of us reading this, woke up this morning.
If we were to take even minutes to take inventory of all that we love, all that we have and all the beauty that surrounds us everyday, before we had to start the lists of responsibilities, maybe we would see things for what they are.
I want to share with you something I have procrastinated doing for too long a while. For every three things you have to get done, write five thankfuls for all that you have… And watch how beautiful your life will be.
This beautiful life…It only gets better!
LuCy sMiLeS
Wishful Thinking
Things may seem to hit us from behind, when we are not looking,
sideswipe us when our heads are in the clouds,
or give us whip lash when we think we are focused and prepared for anything!
There is no right or wrong way to make adjustments, if you are less than
well adjusted, in any area of your life… It is up to you what you need to do,
and up to you what is best for you.…
But there is a great and exciting secret I can share with you that can allow for
preventive measures in regards to preparing for unforeseen
hits that may cause you to be a bit startled..
Wishful Thinking!
Life is going to come at you from all sides- be it the front, side, and many a time,
hit you from behind. It is what it is.
But, I can speak from experience when I say, if you look at things with a
positive mind, more often than not, you will get positive back.
Ever notice how your day just seems to follow suit, when you stub your foot, sometimes, positively and happily jumping out of bed ready to conquer the world? Your whole mood shifts, your views on the day change, and you quickly change your mindset, causing your day to sometimes “seemingly” be downhill from there.
If you can allow for each circumstance to not interfere with the next, and take things in stride, without breaking your positive stride, certainly your day will only get better!
It is not childish to think everything is going to be just fine, as the secret to happiness is paying attention to the wonders of the world, not wondering why things less than satisfying are happening.
So, walk with your head held high, and if you miss the coffee table, and stub your toe?
Bite your lip, wipe the tear, scream if you must! But walk it off, and allow for the next moment to pass without passing up every opportunity to be thankful for all that is around you!
And if you wish for things in your life to get better, believe them to be so.
Don’t spend your time thinking you can’t have it all, and spend your time knowing you can!
LuCy sMiLeS
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