What happens in life is not as important as why it happens.Once you realize the "why" things happen, it all starts to fall into place.
And, adding in a few “why not’s” .
It is time for a little “R&R…”Response, and Responsibility!
It is important to look deeply into why things are going on around you.And not acting like victim of circumstance, but instead take ownership for
what is going on around you, and to you.
We make so many promises to ourselves that we do not keep.
Let's all do ourselves a favor and enjoy breaking at least one.
Decide NOT to own the bad decisions, and bad habits we used to allow in our lives. Just keep the good ones.
Not to mention it feels great to say "why not" to a few things
that allow you to take a risk once in a while, when you are sure that in doing so,
you will be able to grow!
And always remember the power of letting go...
Enjoy a lil R & R…
~LuCy sMiLeS
What happens in life is not as important as why it happens.
Once you realize the "why" things happen, it all starts to fall into place.
It is time for a little “R&R..
Response, and Responsibility!
I have been realizing; or more importantly, I have been asking "why" more lately than I used to.
And, adding in a few “why not’s” .
It is important to look deeply into why things are going on around you.
And not acting like victim of circumstance, but instead taking ownership for what is going on around you, and to you.
How many times have you heard "why me?"
How many times have you said this yourself?
Ah yes!
The "poor me", "why me" phase!
I don’t wear it well.
None of us do!
You know that colour that just doesn't look right on you?
Washes you out a little bit? The colour you may feel sorta comfortable in, and still, no matter how many times you buy the shirt in that colour, you always call your best friend and do the "bought this sweater and it looks like s*%& on me, wanna swap for something that looks s% on you " kind of look?
Let's smarten up and buy "pretty in pink", already!
Have your mental wardrobe consists of only shades that work well for you!
There is always going to be a "pink hue" that works for you.
Fuchsia? Ok not so many of us wear that well, but there are a select few of you who can pull it off, so good on ya..
Rose, baby pink ,hot magenta, coral, cerise, you name it, someone can wear it, and wear it well!
And this goes for both sexes! All the successful guys are wearing the pinks that work for them! From Donald Trump to Donny Deutsch!
And it just goes to show you, we ARE all different. If we can't all wear fuchsia, like someone else can and so well, ( I am rather thankful I don't wear fuchsia well), what makes us think we should do, be, live, or think the same as everyone else? Don’t base your decisions on what works best for others, and certainly don’t make decisions that clearly won’t work for you.
Do what works!
I love doing what works.
Let's face it, we are always going to consciously make decisions that we beat ourselves up for and stare at the bruises for, before we even carry through on the decision!!!.
You know what I am talking about.
The "I cannot believe I am going to do this" sort of decision.
Not even the "what WAS I thinking"
But the more "What am I thinking"
Instead ask yourself. “Why am I doing this?” We have every opportunity to change what we are doing, change the decision. No one knows this decision has been made, we can not only own it, decide not to own it in the first place.
How lovely is that?
So why are we so willing to allow the for humiliation of the;
"You did WHAT???????????????????????????"
We make so many promises to ourselves that we do not keep.
Let's all do ourselves a favour and at least break one.
Decide NOT to own the bad decisions.
Just keep the good ones.
They look good on you.
Instead of wondering what is going on, wonder "why" it is going on.
I can promise you that things will make much more sense to you once you do this.
Not to mention it feels great to say "why not" to a few things that allow you to take a risk once in a while, when you are sure that in doing so, you will be able to grow!
And always remember the power of letting go.
Enjoy a lil R & R…
LuCy sMiLeS