It is not always easy for us to go or what we desire.
Take The Bull By The Horns!
It is not always easy for us to go or what we desire.
Aa A Matter Of Fact
LoVe LuCy
As A matter of Fact! How many assumptions or decisions have we made, I wonder, where without looking at all that is in front of us, first; we jumped the gun, or jumped to conclusions- without giving the situation a fair chance. We as humans, have a characteristic about all of us, even though we are all so different- that is very much the same. We all, in one way or another, when corresponding with one another, have a need to declare our feelings, and make sure that others know what is on our minds. We want to be understood; accepted; loved and cared for. How we convey our need for all of these things, can get in the way of the genuine need, itself.
Many of us, when learning how to grow with one another, come to the table with our own distinct methods of doing things; in our mind's eye, it is simply to us, how things are supposedly done "right."
How can we, then, be right, without having the other person have to settle for then, being "wrong." Facts are facts, to us, when it comes to our feelings on matters, just as facts are facts, to another.No one person's feelings are more important, more momentous, than the other.
In learning to communicate our feelings, and how we take in the facts of life, we can make monumental improvements by being empathetic to each other's feelings, just as though they were our own. As a matter of fact, if we can look 'out' to a situation, with another person, rather than putting the situation in the middle of each other, I'll bet our feelings will not only be that much more heard, but also that much more considered. Consider it done!
LuCy sMiLeS
Case by Case
LoVe LuCy
It seems like never before have we, as a collective consciousness, been more attune with the ways of the World and the ways of how the Universe is exposing its upmost importance, in our individual lives. Perhaps, in my getting older, and I like to think, wiser, I am just noticing what big a role this Higher Power contributes to everyday living. Knowing and doing, in life, are very different. We can definitely be aware, be very conscious of what we are doing that isn't perhaps giving us our desired results, but we can tend to do it anyway. Those small voices, inside our heads, seem to speak over each other, doing their best to get noticed, at the same time, creating a chaotic situation for our mindset. We all have them. I like to call mine, the Goddess wanna be "Gremlin" vs. "The Goddess". Just as these two characters play in my own mind, life projects accordingly.
When, in communication, we take with us thoughts, feelings, and harboured emotions from the past, we create a circumstance that can already be destined for disaster. Mix that with another Beautiful Soul, whom we are connected with, doing the same thing, and I think you get the picture. When looking to create balance, and harmony in our lives, we must do our best to take each situation, case by case.
By bringing up a past scenario and adding it to the present picture, we are bringing our resentment, guilt, shame or anger, that needn't be brought up. Our defenses can get a rise in us, and may not allow us to rise to the occasion to create a communicative clarity with those we love.
Taking our time, and being present with present circumstances can allow our Authentic Self to come out, taming down that gremlin which, living and breathing directly from Ego, only speaks from the past.
Knowing that we have the power to shut up and shut out the voices that harm us, can be music to our ears, and the ears of those who are dancing with us, in love.
LuCy sMiLeS
Perish The Thought
Love LuCy
It is not so easy, to be positive all the time. We can read books, say our affirmations, meditate, etc... Life can, and will get in the way.We may spend an entire week, focusing on our goals, accomplishing our tasks, and feeling great about our passions, and our productivity. Then life happens.
The thing about life is that it always gives us what we need, to see, to respond and to grow. Sometimes things that come into our view we certainly wish to turn a blind eye to, to protect us from hurt, pain, or simple awareness that it is there, for us to see. These are the times, when it is most imperative to stand tall, shoulders back, and breathe. With experience, comes enlightenment.With struggle, comes strength. How are we to know what we have inside of us, if our exterior circumstances don't show up, for us to see how we show up, in life? It is not always easy to believe that embracing our dark experiences brings us closer to self. We know that our thoughts are, then, our lives, so why not always focus on the positive? Because, positive doesn't always take place.
Sitting with, in observation, and detachment to life's happenings, whatever they may be, allows us to reflect, in a language of letting go, that no words will ever be able to express. Acknowledgement and acceptance to life, in good times and in bad, will allow us to acknowledge who we are, and accept ourselves as such. As well, as accepting ourselves, we can learn to accept others, and also learn, in our own hearts that with which we know, for ourselves, we are not willing to accept in our lives, to continue our growth. This is acceptance to let go. We are powerful beings, living, learning, and loving. We have the power within us to give to others as best we know how.
Just as we experience life, to see what we want our lives to look life, we will experience life to see what we do not want. And that is ok too.A lovely friend, Motivational speaker, published author, media personality Linda Clemons put it straight, years ago;
"If it doesn't help you grow, it's gotta go."L.C. But, we have to experience what doesn't help us grow, for us to know.
LuCy sMiLeS
Take The Floor
Love LuCy
Looking back, we can be so proud of ourselves, and what we have accomplished for ourselves.
Moreover, we can be taken back by the love and guidance of those, who, when we couldn't as much as stand up four ourselves, they would jump in and take the floor, for us.
In my own experiences, which, I know, many of you can relate, I have had the pleasure of people, beautiful people come into my life, and show me my worth, when I could barely look at myself in the mirror.
People come into our lives, just when we need them. It may sound cliché, or a general way of looking at things. As many times as we have heard this, we can also confirm this to always be the case.
We are a collective energy. The magic of the Universe is a such-if we cannot do something on our own, someone, someone very special, will walk in, and take the reins for us.
I want to thank you all, who have taken my reins and taken the floor, for me, and on my behalf, at the times I needed you most.
They say the best is yet to come. If the best coming is anything like the best friends we have had, and still have, then there is nothing we cannot do, for if we cannot, alone, we have our friends to help see us through
LuCy sMiLeS
LoVe LuCy
People work with information. We want it fast, we want it NOW.We, as human beings, living on this Earth, and get to know what we want, what we are looking for, by taking information and assessing it, to feed our needs, and our desires. When we are given an amount of information, we can then take it, and use it, to our benefit to make decisions. When the information that we have, changes, or expands, so do our choices. We all only do what we do, and only know what we know, based on the information we are given.More specifically, the information, that we take, and how we perceive it. What one person perceives with the intelligence, is not going to be the same as the next.
Being that we are so individual, we cannot perceive with the same similarity as another, even when the information given, is fixed.
The facet in which we retain this appearance of what we are being enlightened with will be pertinent to our memory in our cells, from what experiences we have endured, that are relative to this.
What we can do, in our present moment, to not be so attached to life, from all that we have been through, before now, is to take time to look at what is resonating with us, perhaps a fear, or a sadness, or an emotional tie to something. It may have been legitimate, because of before, but in learning and growing and expanding our awareness of self, we can look at these circumstance, simply to change them.
To change our attachment to emotions that no longer serve us, now that our lives are moving forward. We are always ever changing. We must decide what we wish to keep with us, if is is still of use, or put certain things to rest.
LuCy sMiLeS
There are so many qualities that each of us carry with us, each of which play such a pivotal role in our growth.
As we grow, and move forward, in our lives, we learn of ourselves, even more qualities.
Our experiences are what allows us to get to know ourselves.
They allow us to get to a place where we learn to love ourselves.
Love, in a word- is not always easy.
We may at times, feel we are not living to our greatest potential.
We may look back; only to see that we may have stumbled a few times, that somehow slowed us down.
We, perhaps, wish that we could have only gotten a little bit further, in our growth; a little bit faster.
A famous quote "Whatever you resist persists" had me in a situation that allowed me to look at life, in a whole new light.
There is potential for us, to walk forward, happier, more successful and more connected to Source, if we take a moment to reflect on our past, but in a special way.
Regretting something leaves us resisting what is, and staring at the lack in ourselves, rather than looking and embracing ourselves, and our lives, as a whole.
What we do, NOW, with what we HAVE and what we HAVE BEEN THROUGH, is what will allow us to cherish the moment, for what it is worth, and what we are worthy of.
Bring in the energies and attraction of those who believe in us, and project to us our worth, as we do them.
If we want something badly enough, we will use all of our strength, and all of our will to get it, whether or not we were ready or willing to do so before.
It doesn't matter what happened, with who, why or how.
What matters is now.
What are you going to do about it?
LuCy sMiLeS
In A Heart Beat
One of few constants when it comes to everyday life, is the ebbs and flows. We all do our best to bring out our best qualities, in all that we do, because we know that with showing up as best we can, we can see the best parts of ourselves, and bring out the best parts of others.
What we give, we get back.
What people give to us, we take in for what it is worth, in its value to us, and continue to flow accordingly.
Many times, in many ways, we can rush with our feelings, and rush with our responses, without thinking of what that will look like, or feel like, to others, in front of us.
We do not mean to harm others, when perhaps we react with habits that hinder our happiness. We are living and breathing with hopes of smiling, more often than not, and making people smile along the way!
Just as, in a heartbeat, we can know what makes us happy; we also, in a heartbeat, do that which does not!
It is so important, for us, to sit and be with our thoughts, and to think, before we speak, so we can be sure that what comes out, is out of love, respect and integrity.
Just as Mother nature reinvents herself, in the spring, we can also take inventory of what is not helping us grow, and reinvent ourselves with some "spring cleaning for the mind!"
LuCy sMiLeS
The key element of unlocking any door, just as it is to locking them, is how we communicate our feelings and our views, to others.
How we choose to communicate with others reveals
It is never so much what we are discussing, but how we choose to discuss it.
All of us have our own unique forms of communication, that we have developed over many years, and many relationships, up to now.
When creating a harmonious balance in our lives, we must not only do our best to see what others are trying to say, but we must also see, from within, what we are trying to voice, and most importantly, "why" we say what we say, and "why" we feel what we feel.
Our lives, and our paths, are precious.
Our right is to stand tall, in our power, and be our Authentic selves, to allow others to learn from all we have to offer, as with us, learning for those around us, equally.
How we choose to react, or respond to differing opinions on a multitude of ideas, and experiences can be challenging, when we are trying not only to maintain our individual flow, but also doing our best to empathize with those we are connected with.
The answers of what best ways we can grow together are not going to be the same for everyone.
There is no magic wand that can cast a special spell of how to dance in alignment.
What works for some, may be detrimental to others.
What makes our connections so special, is taking the time to learn, with others, how we can move forward, in mutual respect for our differences, and by focusing our attention on our similar characteristics, which is what brought us together, in the first place.
By stepping back and taking a good look, with patience and understanding, without getting ahead of ourselves; we can see many beautiful aspects that we can work with, even when things don't seem to be in working order.
Be open to love, in all its forms, and be open to forming your relationships with best, most loving intentions.
LuCy sMiLeS