Or if I had one friend's hand instead of another.It is never easy meeting people we will truly connect with, so we fear, when finding them, that we will lose them, if we have to share them.Whether it is our girlfriends, our boyfriends, or both; for Men and Women equally, as beings wishing and hoping only to be cared for, we can spend much time worrying about not having those in our lives, stay.
So we grab hold of them as tight as we can. We do all we can to hold tight to our connections, so they will not break.In doing so, we may be loosening the tight bond we have with ourselves, as we loose sight of our inner friendship.
We are trying so hard to be with others to feel whole.It is always nice to have a hand to hold.
Having said that, it is also nice knowing that no matter who is around, we always have someone to care for, someone that truly cares about us, too.Ourselves. Friendships will come and go, or come and stay.
Either way...
Hold your friendships dear to your heart, but don't forget to spend a little time with YOU.
Embrace it, cherish it, and know that the more you get to know you, the more you can share yourself with others.
LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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