"Embrace now, NOW, before you wish you had, later"
Love Di
Consider for a moment, what you are thinking at this very moment.
Or, ok, the moment before you got this email to read.
What were you thinking?
Was it about that guy that cut you off to race home, ending up getting to the turning red light, making it no further than you?
Is it the girl at the restaurant at lunch who clearly heard you say "No mayo, extra mustard" and did the exact opposite?
What about how anxious you get at the though of having made plans for this Saturday night with your extended family members you wish would stop asking you to make plans- you always saying no; hense your "yes" to this Saturday night?
When we take inventory of our thoughts, we may notice the good majority of them are focused on the "this and that" of the past, and the "what ifs" of the future.
Today I had an experience which made me stop and realize how blessed I am that I have the opportunity to be so healthy and at ease with my life right now.
I was so thankful that what I had in my life NOW was so gratifying and so unbelievably beautiful. I had to shake my head at myself for not simply being in what was "now."
My reason for this is I spent my entire sunny happy lovingly beautiful day with a happy, loving and beautiful very very good friend of mine, who doesn't have it so well.
My friend has struggled with cancer, for years, and we spent the day in test after test, appointment after appointment.
She still struggles. Now if not, worse, than before.
I realized, in my thoughts, that she had to sit, with the NOW, and with all that she is struggling, probably wishing on anything she could, that she could be struggling with anything from the past, or the what ifs of the future.
However, she is not so blessed.
She lives in the NOW for what is real for her, and her illness is far from a "worry" or a "what if."
It is a "what is."
Many of us only have to.
So what are you thinking?
So what if you have been hurt in the past?
You made it through.
So what if you worry if you will ever make it through the future?
What now?LoVe LuCy sMiLeS
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