"I had a habit of giving my habits life, realizing they were taking away from mine."
Love Di
We all have habits. Some more than others. Some of us have less bad habits than we did before. Maybe we have more now than we ever thought we would. Maybe we don't realize what habits have formed that are hindering our health.
Habits are not all bad.However, we do know of many that are.I am happy to say I have less than I have had before, but do still have the lingering couple of habits I can do without. Habits I would be better off without.When wanting to rid of bad habits, we can be better off not by simply focusing on 'ridding', but instead 'exchanging.'
In my experience, by looking at this change as something positive, rather than the negative perception of "losing something", or "stopping something"- I was entirely and surprisingly successful!We all have different ways of coping with loss, trauma, and transition.Even so, try this test of writing down what habits you wish to leave behind- and replace it for a positive change. See what happens, and how you feel!Supplement for Success!
If you have a habit of having bad thoughts? Exchange them for gratitude, journalling your thankfuls!If you have a habit of losing your temper? Show appreciation and compliment who you lose your temper to!If you have a habit of abusing substances?
(and for this, I realize there is more work here to do) Supplement this with a sport or exercise that is in alignment with purity, and health!Just see what taking positive action in your life does for you, one day at a time.Give your life the meaning it deserves!I swear it works!(Let's just say you wouldn't be reading my "smiles" the last two years if I decided not to take my own advice, and take positive action in my own life!)"
Paying It Forward",
LuCy sMiLeS
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