It is necessary for us to be faced with some curve balls in life,
to make the changes we need to progress successfully.
Life has a lot of different throws.
Mind you, sometimes, in my attempt, I fail to catch the ball.
Now, this failure can be looked at as, well, failure.
Or, we can reassess our catching strategy, improve it, and be better prepared for next time.
It is not about life's throws as much as catching the ball.
Take what life throws at you today, don't worry about the
balls you failed to catch yesterday, or the ones that may be missed tomorrow.Don't anticipate anything more than what is.
But, no matter what, don't duck!
Hold your head up high, arms out… to catch with confidence!Chances are you will catch it more successfully with each throw sent your way.
And when you fail to catch, don't think of it as failure, but as an
opportunity to be more prepared for next time.
And, when life gives you a day without curve balls?
Enjoy them, and enjoy them with the special people in your life.
Ah, life’s throws… How do you catch the ball?
LuCy sMiLeS
When you wake up, the voices wake up with you. What are they saying? How much of what they say is true? And how much of that truth can be switched into something useful? Rather than a hindrance?
I love truth. I fear it sometimes; we all do.
But it is wonderful and necessary for us to be faced with it, to make the changes we need to make and to also look at where we are and step up to the plate!
It is not about life's throws as much as catching the ball.
How do you catch the ball?
I remember, not too long ago, catching the balls of life's throws, I would duck, look away and hope not to get hit in the head; squinting my eyes, and feeling all the hairs at the back of my head just stand straight straight up in the air. My neck muscles tightening so hard, I would have a headache for hours that passed, all from the one second of hope of not getting hit in the head.
Now, not so much. Now, more often than not, I keep my eyes on the ball.
Now, I look forward, see the ball coming right for me ( it usually does come straight for me, hense alot of the time my ducking with hope, lead to being hit it the head- also another reason for the headache, besides the tense muscles), and I reach my arms out, and attempt the successful catch!
Mind you, sometimes, in my attempt, I fail to catch the ball.
Now, this failure can be looked at as, well, failure. Or, I can reassess my catching strategy, improve it, and be better prepared for next time. I also know that I can get help on my catch, from so many people. People who are so willing to help me, sometimes those whom which I never really imagined would take the time to really go over how I was catching, my posture, my style, and really help me see where I may be going wrong, how I can improve for next time. Most importantly, really allowing me to look at the exact reason why I was failing to catch the ball in the first place.
I see it now. And I know that my new technique is really going to help my game!
Today had no life's throws. It felt amazing. I laid in the grass, dilly dallied, enjoyed everything the city had to offer, and really just lived, breathing in every moment, and enjoying it, without scurrying and worrying.
It felt refreshing, not to have a ball thrown in my face. I realized I haven't really had one of these days, for a long time.
Throughout the day, there were a few true messages, that I sincerely paid attention to, and appreciated as well.
The messages were needed, and I took from them, what I needed to go forward.
I had no game of life's throws, but I had a special person coach me on my catch strategy, and was patient with me, as I took my time to learn.
I am thankful. So thankful.
An Irish proverb states " Better one good thing that is, rather than two good things that were, or three good things that might never come to pass..."
Today I really enjoyed one good thing after another... after another... after another...
I woke up with the voices that anxiously had me scurrying, and worrying, because of the uncertainty of tomorrow.
But then I realized that if life throw me a curve ball tomorrow, I have no way of catching it today.
I can wonder how to catch it, I can prepare to catch it, but I can only enjoy the game of life handed to me today.
And look, no curve ball. So, I have decided to make a promise to myself.
You can do the same, it is simple, and it can really help:
Take what life throws at you today, don't worry about the balls you failed to catch yeaterday, or the ones that may be missed tomorrow.
Don't anticipate anything more than what is.
And, no matter what, don't duck!
Hold your head up high, arms out to to catch with confidence!
Chances are you will catch it more successfully with each throw.
And when you fail to catch, don't think of it as failure, but as an opportunity to be more prepared for next time.
And, when life gives you a day without curve balls? Enjoy them, and enjoy them with the special people in your life.
Lay in the grass, walk in the sun, let the hours pass without wondering what is next.
Allow for things to be, how they end up being, not how you think they should be.
What is the point of playing a game, when you already know the outcome? What fun would that be?
Not everyday will be a picnic, and not every day will be a walk on the beach, so when you are given the opportunity to enjoy these days, take them.
Believe me, it is worth every last second.
And until the clock strikes 12, and the new day is here, I will keep my eye on the ball of today, and worry about tomorrow's game tomorrow.
LuCy sMiLeS
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