sPoOnFuL oF SuGaR

What is your spoonful of sugar?

For me, it is friends, picture taking, Julius, my family.
Spoonfuls of sugar, are those delightful things that balance out the not so delightful things we have to go through in life.

And we all have them.
Sometimes, we are faced with more medicine than we can swallow.
So, I have decided, for me, I am going to surround myself with as many spoonfuls of sugar to wash it down with.
I have failed to in the past, and as a result, have been faced with a few consequences for denying that I am entitled to a few spoonfuls of sugar.
Don’t’ make my mistake.

Grab a spoon, grab as many as you wish.

We worry about so many things in life, that can lead to emotional distress.
But it is important to realize that this emotional distress can only stay emotional for so long, until our thoughts can no longer handle them anymore, and our bodies move in, to help out.
This is when our physical body decides where it needs to hold the stress, for our minds, so that we don’t go crazy.

Well, this is not a good thing.
Sometimes, like with people, our bodies think they are doing us a favour, but in actuality, it is burdening us with more problems, causing dis-ease .
If our bodies take our minds troubles away, this causes disease in our physical bodies.

And not only this, but then it is creating more room in our minds, for more emotional distress, continuing an unhealthy pattern.

Our body responds to stress by making stress hormones. These hormones help your body respond to situations of extreme need. But when your body makes too many of these hormones for a long period of time, the hormones wear down your body.

This is our bodies believing it is coming in to save the day.

Instead of giving our bodies the responsibility of taking our problems off our shoulders (minds) and storing them away into our organs, and other parts of our physical body to then cause bigger problems, let’s do what Mary Poppins sings so wonderfully about.

Grab a spoonful of sugar, or 2 or 10, and create things in your life, that will help the medicine go down, and balance your life out with wonderful healthy ways to enjoy your time!

We wear ourselves thin with stress, work, expectations from other, from ourselves, and we fail to remember that we have a choice, at the end of the day.
But we need to pay attention to this, before it is too late.

We can either block our noses, and dread the medicine, time and time again, complaining of the taste, or we can grab a teaspoon of sugar, and let the medicine be what it is, but don’t let the overpowering taste scare you, just mix in a little love and compassion for yourself, and give your body a rest!

LuCy sMiLeS

1 comment:

rob said...

For Lucy Smiles
..in response, you inspire me...
i love that.

Leaves grow without designation,
always green and sometimes myriad
as long as the branch exists with sunlit strength
they have a place to sustain years' length...

Should the tree from where belongs
the veins of a leaf is chlorofyl'd dies blown away to chaotic winds - must fly,brown and brittle from harsh weathers :

life pulled in unknown dark directions
becomes a pile among the deadening, perplexions
gathered and raked together for disposal
back to the ground to feed the living roots...

Like a lesson for and of nature
cruel and pure is destiny's song of fate
a leaf, in time, must go to sleep
as often times with life cannot wait
should the winds of passing be kind,
and we stay close to this tree & our minds
heed the lessons of our history roots...

inspiration is a leaf life becomes not so askew
and from the seeds of us become anew...

hope this finds you well..
an ode to lucy smiles :)