Tiny Dancers

Sometimes I feel like a tiny dancer.
Do you?
Dancing away in life.
Sometimes I fumble over my feet, dance with two lefts, you know?

It all really depends what song I am listening to.
Sometimes, fun summer music! I love my summer playlist.
Other times, it is more the emotional teary eyed county music; gets me every time.

We know what songs we love to dance to, we know what songs we love to cry to.
There is always a memory, and an emotion tied to those special songs, that when you play them, your world flies back to that very moment when the song struck a chord in your life. You feel like you are right there, back then.

Why do we sometimes put in that heart wrenching CD, and play it over and over and over again?

We own the the music, no one is forcing us to listen to the songs that brings sad emotions, except us.

We love to wallow in sadness sometimes.
It is fine to do so, "sometimes."

But we needn't overanalyse those emotions.
We need to know when to put that fun summer music back on, and dance!!!
Let the song play once, and on with the next.
Dance with friends, dance alone, but be sure to smile when you do.

No one will judge you for your dancing, so dance how ever you see fit, for as long as you wish...

It's great for the soul, so grab your soulmate's hand, if you were lucky enough to find them, and dance...

LuCy sMiLeS, and dances....

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