SaY nO MoRe!!!!!!

Walk the streets, when down and out,
Spoon ice cream and take a shout!!!
Love and dreams are what life's about
So, run with it, like there's no doubt!

Feel the breeze through your hair,
Jump in the puddles, like you don't care.
Enjoy all life, like it's all fair
And walk the beach, with feet so bare.

Chill out with ones you love so deep
And hold them tight, while in your sleep.
Make sure to act, cause talk is cheap,
And don't crawl, but take a leap!

For life has risks and wonders to choose
So, smile whenever you have the blues
We all have memories that leave a bruise
But the lessons leave you nothing to lose

A heart is worth sharing,so try not to fear,
Take a chance, even if it leaves you a tear.
The time that you cry balance with times of great cheer,
And the feeling of having one to hold dear.

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS

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