Look back at the person you were…11 years ago.
What about the person you were 11 months ago.
11 weeks…
11 days…
I am stretching it (the dyslexic version) to 11 minutes.
(And yes, 11, my number, the one and only. Well, the “one” and only, and then another “one”… and on with it…lol)
We are always being introduced to someone at some point or another who allows us to learn something new about ourselves.
I firmly believe that we are meant to stumble across and converse with these individuals,
for specific learning curves, lessons, reflections on our own lives, through learning and having a deeper understanding of theirs.
Also, when I look back on some of the people I have met, say years, months, or even days ago, I also notice I am a different person, overall, since meeting these particular people.
Quite different. My energy is different; better… I am more in tune, with the universe. I am so much more in tune with me.
Even when sometimes, right at the beginning of theirs or my parting of ways, I may feel less then better, more sad, than the happy I felt with their presence.
You with me? Keep walking, I think you will get it…
I realize that some people are, as we know the quote; in our lives for a “reason, a season, or a lifetime.”
I think it rather important to understand, and not question why these people have to go, when they do. Because, we will have a chance to look back, later, and realize that the life we are leading is a life with much more purpose since having met them.
I had an experience recently, where I actually had a second stumble.
One of which made me step back and realize that this person would not fit in my life the way that it is now.
But my now would not be the same, not be so good, without their presence then.
(And BTW, none of you reading this are this person, and I am happy to say that…)
The dynamic of the relationship, then, when it was strong, was strong when it need be.
And needn’t be any longer! So 11 somethings later when this person was reintroduced, I had a second reflection.
Both parties having learned the lessons needed from being in each others presence, at that special time.
It is wonderful… We are different from when we first met; when we related; when we departed; when we were reintroduced.
I also look at this as an understanding of how energy works. The person I was, then, and the person this individual was, then, matched each other in order to meet.
In the second reunion, the energy was not a match. There was nothing to be learned. This was actually transformational in my mind.
I felt for certain those 11 somethings ago that this person was certainly in my life for more than a reason. I was convinced!
This understanding was now magical, but moreover, logical- the logic allowing me to feel a sense of calm, not just for this situation, but as a preparation for instances to come.
To understand and be more accepting of the future, and all those who will walk in my path with me; all those who may change paths as we walk, turn when I continue to go straight, or just stop altogether, as I keep walking, turning, skipping, hopping, jumping, crawling, and sometimes kicking and screaming...
It is for a reason…
It has allowed me to look back, on other times, people, other “serendipitous” stumbles…
I get it now. I really do, and it is all fine, and I am more than fine because of it.
I’ve reflected on the reasons, I’ve sensed the seasons, and I love the lifetimes…
So if you may feel sad when a relationship ends, and you were convinced it was one of a lifetime, don’t’ worry…
You too will see what amazing things you took from this relationship, and truly understand, soon, if not already, that your life is now open to stumbling across many more people that will be in your life to teach you, provide you with guidance, offer their support, grab onto you arm when you feel you are falling, assist you with overcoming hurdles, or put a smile on your face… You name it, they will find you, and you will find them too!
And know in your heart and soul, that if they go, they may come back, and as energy would have it, if there is still a match, there will be light flickering for the relationship to be rekindled.
If not, that is ok too… And so are you.
~LuCy sMiLeS
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