For any of us who are in advertising, marketing, or any kind of selling. we know that the best way to get our point across, in terms of credibility for a product, service, or even experience, is word of mouth.
In a world of buying and selling, we forget to realize that not only are we buying and selling exterior items; we are in a world of continuous selling of ourselves.
Whether we are talking about our relationships, our jobs, our creative talents, or our wisdom, the “talk” that we talk is a selling in it’s own right.
We sell ourselves to enable others to know who we are.
When we approach someone for the first time, business, or pleasure, our first- and hopefully second impression; if lucky enough for a chance at a second; are “sales pitches” for acceptance.
If we can understand the direct link of selling ourselves to initiate, build and maintain lasting and respectful relationships, we must take a look, at word of mouth to ourselves.
It is imperative to have the right strategy down, and “pitch” in our heads.
How hard is it to give a sales pitch for a product you do not believe in?
So, begin by being conscious of the words you speak in your mind, before you go to the public, and sell something as special as yourself.
You are the one and only out there, so don’t create competition, where there is none.
But, moreover, be sure to build yourself and your self-esteem up before you make your mark in the marketplace.
You always have the competitive edge.
LuCy sMiLeS
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