In life, more specifically, in the movies of our lives- we have set rating systems to classify the content of material being exposed. To identify violence, mature themes, what have you, we label everything as “something.” We associate experiences, or decide not to go there at all, if we feel it too taboo to acknowledge. We would rather turn off that part of the movie altogether.
Everything around us his labeled by us. We decide that things are either good, bad, right or wrong.
This is in fact, really, not to be so.
If we can change our rating views, not just what rated movies we decide to view on TV; but take a look at our own life, we may be able to understand that life is what it is; we are where we need to be, no matter where we are.
Embracing it; loving it, and being excited about it, for what it means to us, is the first step of understanding the most beautiful things about ourselves, and those around us.
We cannot understand the content of the situation, or who we are in the situation, if we do not pay attention to every scene and how it ties into the next…
So, pay attention. Every scene has a purpose.
And, none of us are in this alone. We all have a part to play, in each other’s scenes.
So, once we give up the role we feel we are labeled to play,
either by ourselves- to protect ourselves; or from others,
if we believe we have to be a certain way to be accepted,
we can then and only then start to enjoy life …
Rate R- for “REAL”
LuCy sMiLeS
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