So many times we wonder what our future holds, where are we going to end up, what are the decisions we need to make to be sure we are on the right track, and how can we even be sure those decisions are ours, and not just influence by all those us.
No matter what choices you make, one thing we can be clear of is that we are always on the right track. It is so programmed in our heads to look around to all those in front, beside, and behind us, and see what they are doing, to make sure that what we are doing is of value and of purpose. Sometimes we choose to make a choice that was made by one of these individuals, since it seemed right for them. If we choose to decide as others, this is still “our” choice’, therefore, we are still following our map, according to our set directions.
This will simply mean that our lesson here, if we find out the decision didn’t actually suit us well, is that we need to listen from within, going forward, and trust that our path is lead only by us, and will lead to a greater destination that the current one we have arrived at!
So, map it out all you will, your quest is yours. Bring any along that will enhance your ride and help you grow, but don’t ever question your direction.
Which begs the question… “Where do we do from here?”
LuCy sMiLeS