Map Quest
So many times we wonder what our future holds, where are we going to end up, what are the decisions we need to make to be sure we are on the right track, and how can we even be sure those decisions are ours, and not just influence by all those us.
No matter what choices you make, one thing we can be clear of is that we are always on the right track. It is so programmed in our heads to look around to all those in front, beside, and behind us, and see what they are doing, to make sure that what we are doing is of value and of purpose. Sometimes we choose to make a choice that was made by one of these individuals, since it seemed right for them. If we choose to decide as others, this is still “our” choice’, therefore, we are still following our map, according to our set directions.
This will simply mean that our lesson here, if we find out the decision didn’t actually suit us well, is that we need to listen from within, going forward, and trust that our path is lead only by us, and will lead to a greater destination that the current one we have arrived at!
So, map it out all you will, your quest is yours. Bring any along that will enhance your ride and help you grow, but don’t ever question your direction.
Which begs the question… “Where do we do from here?”
LuCy sMiLeS
One of These Days…
How funny is it that we spend not only most of our time worrying
about the future, but the remaining telling ourselves that
all the things we want to do and have, will happen one of these days?
I literally heard this at an event recently,
and it made me look up to hear what it was that was being discussed,
and it was about a dream; a passion that one had.
Who are we fooling but ourselves?
What ever we can fit into our schedules one of these days,
we can certainly make time for today.
And if we have to reschedule, and flip around a few appointments here
and there to fit it in, then so be it!
All around us, there are talented and unbelievably generous people,
who if they put themselves first, would actually be able to help
all those around them to become the best that they can be,
and expose them to the best of the best.
Them, to their full potential.
We are as great as the most amazing people we have ever heard of.
So, instead of worrying about what others think of you, start looking at what
you think of yourself, and make sure it is enough that you put yourself first,
and put your passions on your To Do List today….
Tomorrow can wait!
LuCy sMiLeS
Word of Mouth
For any of us who are in advertising, marketing, or any kind of selling. we know that the best way to get our point across, in terms of credibility for a product, service, or even experience, is word of mouth.
In a world of buying and selling, we forget to realize that not only are we buying and selling exterior items; we are in a world of continuous selling of ourselves.
Whether we are talking about our relationships, our jobs, our creative talents, or our wisdom, the “talk” that we talk is a selling in it’s own right.
We sell ourselves to enable others to know who we are.
When we approach someone for the first time, business, or pleasure, our first- and hopefully second impression; if lucky enough for a chance at a second; are “sales pitches” for acceptance.
If we can understand the direct link of selling ourselves to initiate, build and maintain lasting and respectful relationships, we must take a look, at word of mouth to ourselves.
It is imperative to have the right strategy down, and “pitch” in our heads.
How hard is it to give a sales pitch for a product you do not believe in?
So, begin by being conscious of the words you speak in your mind, before you go to the public, and sell something as special as yourself.
You are the one and only out there, so don’t create competition, where there is none.
But, moreover, be sure to build yourself and your self-esteem up before you make your mark in the marketplace.
You always have the competitive edge.
LuCy sMiLeS
Think nothing of it!
Take a piece of paper and write down all that is worrying you.
Be true to yourself- write everything down that you can think
of that is causing your mind disarray, today.
Now, prioritize them, by number, which on is most worry some,
to least worry some for you, so you can be sure you are spending the right amount of time worrying for the right purpose.
We don’t want to waste time here.
Now, on the other side of the paper write down all the things that you can think of, that, if happened to you today, would traumatize you to the core, and change the course of your life, forever.
Now look at the first side of the paper, again.
And be thankful that the list you first created is all that you have to worry about.
Lastly, rip the sheet in as many pieces as it will take to get the worry out of your head, and to release any negative thoughts of “what if’s” in the future. Toss it in the trash…
We have a lot to be thankful for, but if we spend time worrying about what we aren’t thankful for in our lives, that’s all we will see.
So, live life; love; and laugh.. And as for everything else negative, “think nothing of it!”
LuCy sMiLeS
Knock Knock!
Much of our day consists of a schedule, day in, day out…
In this time, we are so focused on our continued habits and duties,
we may not realize our continued feelings and desires
inside ourselves just asking to be released and expressed.
How many times have you felt that you are doing and doing
but not really having a fair exchange of passions and creative
energy being lived in your ever so busy life of perhaps
“not as much luxury “ as you would like?
We all have the power to make a change in our lives,
and we have just as much power to exceed even
our own wildest dreams.
It is a matter of reaching out, and knowing that while we have
to pay the bills, keep the roof over our head, there are many
doors around us, with many opportunities to assist us in
creating this life of luxury we all just dream about, when we
finally have the chance to rest our heads on our pillows
after a trying day of challenges, and responsibilities.
It is just as much your responsibility to take care of yourself and those around you, as it is to take care of your dreams, passions and devote yourself to your personal purpose.
So, don’t be afraid to knock on a few doors once in a while, and break down your barriers, because behind them could be a whirlwind of ideas, suggestions, and possibilities that can help you achieve your dreams,
and your goals.
There is nothing standing in the way of you and all that you can be, but the walls you put up..
You have many doors to open. It is up to you whether or not you knock.
And from there, the possibilities are endless~ and it doesn’t end there!
LuCy sMiLeS
C’est La Vie!
Whether you decide to stand up for yourself; take it lying down, or hit the ground running-life is what you make of it.
It is simply what it is, whatever it is. “Such is life.”
It can be the best of times, or it can be the worst of times! It all depends on how you look at it, what you chose to do with what you have, or if you decide to complain about what you don’t.
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile, whatever it is. And don’t sit and wonder why things are the way they are, if you wish there was more.
Just wonder in the beauty of it all!
We are so blessed to have all that has been given to us,
we shouldn’t wait until it is taken away to see what we have
in front of us.
Laugh at the rain, smile at the stars, and don’t give anything up,
don’t give it up for the world!
This is the place to be!
Here’s to the good life!
If that’s what you chose this life to be…
Whatever it is, “c’est la vie”
LuCy sMiLeS
Pay It Forward
Karma, destiny, fate.
Whatever the energy we put out we are sure to get back.
If we help others we will receive the same help when we need it.
And then some!
There is enough to go around, whatever that is.
Be it love, money, support, care, success…
We are here to do many things, and to change many lives that we come across.
It is our purpose in life to make the world a place
where everyone helps one another and a place where
care and consideration are the heart of our action.
Sure we will make mistakes, and learn from them, and hopefully not hurt others in the process.
And if we do, then we must believe in our hearts that they have been
touched by us in a way to learn their own lessons in life.
But we must make an effort to help others, and make a difference
in the lives of others, to reach out to support and love,
and show that we believe in each one of us, and our world as a collective, even in the worst of times.
For every action, there is a reaction, back to you, so choose wisely, and love like you have never lost.
LuCy sMiLeS
When companies find their products can be improved and the existing ones have
thus become obsolete, they have no problem with taking them off the shelf.
Why would they want to sell or offer something that can be replaced by something
In life, when it comes to our environment and what suits us best, should we not follow suit? Just as we would opt to substitute the suit in our wardrobe after weather and wear?
If something is not working for you, whether it be a job; a bad habit; a relationship or even diet and exercise, don’t you owe it to yourself to substitute it for a better valued replacement?
In speaking of value, many of us do not give ourselves enough credit for our personal
value, and will continually only accept for ourselves less quality than we are actually worth.
This is as a result of the less than adequate feeling of self worth, and what we believe we deserve to
surround ourselves with.
Falling for fashion and fads is a fallacy in itself, as fashion fades…
But creating your true style by staying true to yourself,
what you stand for, and staying true to form in your
relationships of quality is the best step towards continued growth.
Anything less than that? Please discontinue use…
LuCy sMiLeS
Save the Date
There are always going be events or circumstances, of recreation or necessity
be it a child’s wedding, or education; or our own retirement-
that we must plan and prepare for .
And then of course, add the rainy day here, and there.
Living a life of being responsible for our financial actions and our duties coming later, is
What is of most importance, however, is that though we are saving for those dates, in the future, we must not overlook today.
We must remember to breathe in the air and the
experiences that surround us, with those around us,
and live in the present moment.
We all have things to save for, and dates to circle on
our calendars. But going in circles, wondering how
we are going to find the funds of the future,
we may be in fact taking the fun out of today.
So, have fun, and know this;
If you are ever wondering where the money will come from?
It will come from wherever it is now…
LuCy sMiLeS
Fingers Crossed
As kids, and some of us, even, now- we cross our fingers, and sometimes our toes, in hopes that things will work out in our favour.
We put attention on and aspire for the most positive outcome.
Putting energy on the positive, and hoping for the best,
we allow ourselves to see the bright side,
rather than looking at not getting what we want, believing “it” whatever
“it” may be for us- we may not deserve.
Believe, hope, and wish as much as you want, when you want, and for whatever
the reason, as long as it is a forthright thing to hope and wish for.
Whether you cross your fingers, light a candle, say a prayer,
or wish on a falling star…
It is always wonderful to have faith that everything will work out just fine.
And, you know, it usually always does- at least more often than not.
And sometimes, it may not seem like it at the time,
but I can almost bet that once you see the light a
at the end of the tunnel , you will realize why
the tunnel was so dark in the first place.
“Without darkness, you cannot see the stars”
And wishing on a star now and then doesn’t hurt either!
LuCy sMiLeS
Goes To Show You
If we could stop pulling our hair out for all the “wrong” decisions we have made in the
past, and stop losing our heads and sleep over what could be the wrong decisions we may make in the future; perhaps all we may possibly have to do is live in the …Now?
Imagine, a life of nothing but what is.
And, if as humans, we have such a hard time of doing so, and we are so vulnerable to the past and the future- then let’s look at this for instance (meaning “now” that is).
Live in the now, whatever form that may be for you, and pretend you have nothing to lose.
If it makes you feel any better, chances are you are going to look back and realize you could have done one thing differently, anyway. So do what best you know how, now, and know, there is always a lesson behind the decision.
If, at any time you chose to look to the past for assistance, or the future for guidance; remember, none of the two exist, but you in each.
Just goes to show you, you only have you.
And just goes to show you, if you look to the past- you will be shown all that you have been challenged and already have conquered.
And the future, all that you could only conquer because of what you have been challenged and conquered, to date.
So, it just goes in the past what you have done, and goes to the future what you can only do because of the past.
As for the place you are at…. Love, and embrace…. Don’t look back- look up, and be ready for the future. It’s bright, and you are almost there.
But where you are now, is where you are… And that just is…
LuCy sMiLeS
Rated “R”
In life, more specifically, in the movies of our lives- we have set rating systems to classify the content of material being exposed. To identify violence, mature themes, what have you, we label everything as “something.” We associate experiences, or decide not to go there at all, if we feel it too taboo to acknowledge. We would rather turn off that part of the movie altogether.
Everything around us his labeled by us. We decide that things are either good, bad, right or wrong.
This is in fact, really, not to be so.
If we can change our rating views, not just what rated movies we decide to view on TV; but take a look at our own life, we may be able to understand that life is what it is; we are where we need to be, no matter where we are.
Embracing it; loving it, and being excited about it, for what it means to us, is the first step of understanding the most beautiful things about ourselves, and those around us.
We cannot understand the content of the situation, or who we are in the situation, if we do not pay attention to every scene and how it ties into the next…
So, pay attention. Every scene has a purpose.
And, none of us are in this alone. We all have a part to play, in each other’s scenes.
So, once we give up the role we feel we are labeled to play,
either by ourselves- to protect ourselves; or from others,
if we believe we have to be a certain way to be accepted,
we can then and only then start to enjoy life …
Rate R- for “REAL”
LuCy sMiLeS
Copy That!
Why did I do that?
How many times do you say this to yourself.
You do something, and afterwards,
sit back and ask yourself why you did what you did?
Sometimes, we go as far as asking ourselves why,
before even doing it.
“Why am I going to do this?
And what do we do?
We do it.
Instead of beating yourself up for acting in ways you may find less favourable- realize that you are going to continue to copy this behaviour over and over until you catch the lesson waiting for you.
We are always going to behave in ways that we will not quite understand- but once we do understand, we can finally move on!
So when you ask yourself why, just be sure to answer!
LuCy sMiLeS
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