We can spend hours and hours, days and days, wishing and hoping to be thinner, smarter, healthier and richer.
But all the while, we are still “us”.
If you look around you, when you walk the streets, no matter what city you live in, 80% seems to be billboards, logos, and messages subliminally sending us thoughts of ourselves vs. what it takes to not only be adequate in the public eye, but what it would take to be noticed, and accepted.
In our personal mission to improve in areas of our lives to create a healthier self image, we must be careful of not losing the most important part.
So, remember as you walk your path to greatness, what sets you apart from everyone else, is that you are unlike any other. That is what makes you you.
That is what make me me…
So, do all you can to be healthy, and while doing so ,creating healthy relationships with others in the process.
But remember your relationship with yourself first!
You are great.
Just the way you are!!!
LuCy sMiLeS
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