When you put your pen to paper for those all classic newspaper or book mazes, one thing is for certain. You cannot go back. It is set in pen which path you take. The labyrinth of stone which intertwines , and the path walked, or in this case, drawn, is what it is.
Nothing more and nothing less.
It is what is.
Life. All you need to do is move forward. Of course, we will think about who, what, when, why and how on our journey, but inevitably so, we will still go.
Imagine that?
No matter what … we will progress. So we can progress and allow for what is to come and enjoy it like a roller coaster ride, taking in all the breaths, butterflies, and belts of laughter and excitement; or we can put our heads down, and hope we make the finish line without a scratch.
Not seeing a thing... not taking in the scenery, experiences and beauty that make life worth living.
So remember. ..
When pen hits the paper, or when foot hits path, there should be no turning back.
Don’t let it cross your mind, as you cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s…
And why should there be any going back? What fun would it be if we can always erase and start over?
What an ah…mazing ride….
LuCy sMileS
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