When we were kids, there were always so many ways to make decisions.
Pick a number from one to ten; Pull a straw; Heads or tails; “Rock, paper, scissors.”“Ask the Magic 8 Ball…”Isn’t it so much better when you do this? The odds are the odds, and there is
nothing else you have to take accountability for, but to accept the
outcome of the tool in which the decision is made?It’s all out of your hands, now! We can still go ahead, as adults. and make our decisions, through these clever little tools. Or, we can sit back, reflect on the situation, carefully assess it, and make decisions on our own, completely responsible for them, and accepting the consequence that follows.I like to call my intuition, MY MAGIC 8 Ball.We all have our own Magic 8 Ball.Shake up your Magic 8 Ball, and go with your intuition.I can promise you it is always the right choice!LuCy sMiLeS
Extended Version
“You cannot control what happens in life, but you can control how you react to it”
When we were kids, there were always so many ways to make decisions.
Pick a number from one to ten;
Pull a straw;
Heads or tails;
“Rock, paper, scissors.”
“Ask the Magic 8 Ball…”
Isn’t it so much better when you do this? The odds are the odds, and there is nothing else you have to take accountability for, but to accept the outcome of the tool in which the decision is made?
It’s all out of your hands, now!
We can still go ahead, as adults. and make our decisions, through these clever little tools.
Or, we can sit back, reflect on the situation, carefully assess it, and make decisions on our own, completely responsible for them, and take the risk that follows.
What I like to call my intuition, is the MAGIC 8 Ball.
Intuition: [in-too-ish-uh n, -tyoo-] direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.
See, you don’t have to feel any fear on using this tool to assist you in making decisions that can otherwise seem very scary.
Shake it up, wait for the answer to unravel.
It is quick, truthful, and inspiring.
We all have our own Magic 8 Ball.
So when you feel like you are not sure which way to go,
Or when the fork in the road is staring at you in the face, and you cannot decide whether to go left, go back, or in some circumstances, turn around, and give that road a second chance.
Shake up your Magic 8 Ball, and go with your intuition.
I can promise you it is always the right choice!
And of course, once in a while, we can find a friend, have them cut straws, or throw a coin, or we can play rock paper, scissors.
But never forget your Magic 8 Ball…..
LuCy sMiLeS
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