When we look at our decisions, and what we have going on in our heads, we need to step back.
What are we really thinking.
In life, we have so many possibilities, so many choices. Many times, we are ale to chose more than one choice. We are not just given one option. We can have two, three, five. I call these flavours.
When we were kids, we chose what flavour to have in our ice cream cone.
I was a bit different, I loved maple walnut. my Dad's favorite.
I chose alot of the things my Dad loved.
But, I would always see my sister chose neopolitan, vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. I always thought, WOW, she got to have 3 flavours of ice cream! How wonderful.
I still, however, even when we only had the neopolitan in the house, would only chose one of the flavours.I couldn't possibly accept three flavours at one time.
Why is that?
I compare this to my adult decision making. What I think I deserve, when making decisions. My career, material possessions, relationships.
We are programmed to believe that we should not take all things that are offered to us. In love, we are sure we have to compromise things that we may feel we cannot live with compromising. Don't get me wrong, we need to be able to compromise some
things, absolutely. But we really are entitled to have all that makes us happy, and centred, and truly one with ourselves. We don't have to settle for only some of what we want in life. This is a choice. We can have abundance.
But, we feel if we chose to strive for all of what we want, instead of oly some, we can be looked at as selfish.
What we don't realize, is that there is always enough to go around.
And us being completely happy, in turn makes the people around us happy, and eventually this brings harmony overall. This is a selfless act.
We are all "miracles undercover", I like to call us.
So, instead of selling yourself short, and only allowing yourself some, half or a third of what you are being offered, or of what you want, take all three, and take it happily.
You are worth 5 flavours.
Why do you think there were 3 in the first place.
If the universe only wanted you to have one, it would only offer you maple walnut.
And chances are you might politely decline.
So eat up!
And hurry, summer is almost over!!!
LuCy sMiLeS
Goddess, She is
She is a Goddess sent from the highest above.
One of whom travels, to offer her love
Her caring, kind heart beats with all that gives.
And inside her, the magic so rightfully lives...
Her presence shines brighter than any wishing star
For her charisma is something to cherish, by far...
Her words of encouragement never left me that day
So, to her, I do thank, for being where I am, now, today.
One of whom travels, to offer her love
Her caring, kind heart beats with all that gives.
And inside her, the magic so rightfully lives...
Her presence shines brighter than any wishing star
For her charisma is something to cherish, by far...
Her words of encouragement never left me that day
So, to her, I do thank, for being where I am, now, today.
Eye of the Beholder

(Photo is taken on my walk in Salt Lake City)
When we're kids, we don't look at love like we do when we're older
When we're kids we look at love in the Eye of the Beholder
We see what there is, not just we we want there to be
We see the potentials, abundance in all that we see
To truly love openly, without any fear,
It is in us, we need first have this love we hold dear
When we're kids, we have nothing holding us back
We see all that we have, not all that we lack
"You are worth everything, always" is what he had told her
This is the truth coming straight from the Eye of the Beholder
LuCy sMiLeS
Pebbles Don't Float
Pebbles don't float, I thought I'd have known.
Pebbles don't float; I've realized, I've grown.
When looking at pebbles, they're smaller... so small...
I had seen pebbles, me looking as them being the wall.
So pebbles actually dance, if you throw them just right.
Pebbles, they dance, catching glares of the light.
Pebbles don't float, so please adhese when you can.
And catch and then throw them if you're deep in the sand.
Love and love deep when you thought not to love at all
Love, be it winter, be it summer or fall....
Yes, I know it can be so imaginative, it can so very well be...
It can be love; fear, love; craze; it can just very well
by LuCy sMiLeS
Pebbles don't float; I've realized, I've grown.
When looking at pebbles, they're smaller... so small...
I had seen pebbles, me looking as them being the wall.
So pebbles actually dance, if you throw them just right.
Pebbles, they dance, catching glares of the light.
Pebbles don't float, so please adhese when you can.
And catch and then throw them if you're deep in the sand.
Love and love deep when you thought not to love at all
Love, be it winter, be it summer or fall....
Yes, I know it can be so imaginative, it can so very well be...
It can be love; fear, love; craze; it can just very well
by LuCy sMiLeS
Magic 8 Ball

When we were kids, there were always so many ways to make decisions.
Pick a number from one to ten; Pull a straw; Heads or tails; “Rock, paper, scissors.”“Ask the Magic 8 Ball…”Isn’t it so much better when you do this? The odds are the odds, and there is
nothing else you have to take accountability for, but to accept the
outcome of the tool in which the decision is made?It’s all out of your hands, now! We can still go ahead, as adults. and make our decisions, through these clever little tools. Or, we can sit back, reflect on the situation, carefully assess it, and make decisions on our own, completely responsible for them, and accepting the consequence that follows.I like to call my intuition, MY MAGIC 8 Ball.We all have our own Magic 8 Ball.Shake up your Magic 8 Ball, and go with your intuition.I can promise you it is always the right choice!LuCy sMiLeS
Extended Version
“You cannot control what happens in life, but you can control how you react to it”
When we were kids, there were always so many ways to make decisions.
Pick a number from one to ten;
Pull a straw;
Heads or tails;
“Rock, paper, scissors.”
“Ask the Magic 8 Ball…”
Isn’t it so much better when you do this? The odds are the odds, and there is nothing else you have to take accountability for, but to accept the outcome of the tool in which the decision is made?
It’s all out of your hands, now!
We can still go ahead, as adults. and make our decisions, through these clever little tools.
Or, we can sit back, reflect on the situation, carefully assess it, and make decisions on our own, completely responsible for them, and take the risk that follows.
What I like to call my intuition, is the MAGIC 8 Ball.
Intuition: [in-too-ish-uh n, -tyoo-] direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.
See, you don’t have to feel any fear on using this tool to assist you in making decisions that can otherwise seem very scary.
Shake it up, wait for the answer to unravel.
It is quick, truthful, and inspiring.
We all have our own Magic 8 Ball.
So when you feel like you are not sure which way to go,
Or when the fork in the road is staring at you in the face, and you cannot decide whether to go left, go back, or in some circumstances, turn around, and give that road a second chance.
Shake up your Magic 8 Ball, and go with your intuition.
I can promise you it is always the right choice!
And of course, once in a while, we can find a friend, have them cut straws, or throw a coin, or we can play rock paper, scissors.
But never forget your Magic 8 Ball…..
LuCy sMiLeS
"August"- What does it all mean?

"August" by definition signifies "dignity and self-respect.” Of “high rank” … Admiration and being in awe of something, we can classify it as “august.”
Similar words are “magnificent, which is then also portrayed to be “gorgeous”
Noble is another significance of being august, which then flows into “high morals.”
Well, it is now the month of August.
Do you consider yourself “August”?
Are you in awe with who you are, and do you have your dignity, and self respect still all in tact?
If not, why not use August as the month of reflection.
High five yourself for everything you have accomplished.
And, remember that we still have a solid 5 months to attain the goals we still have yet to attain, for the year, and a lifetime to do all that we have been planning to do for ourselves. No rush…. But is anything holding you back?
We just have to be sure we are striving for “august”, and not something that can sabotage us right from the get go!
Let me explain:
I was working on a document this morning, when a wise Asian gentleman with whom I work came over to me, straight out of the blue, and said;
“If we always seek perfection, we will always be miserable”
I looked up at him, as though, he was reading my mind.
Check, double check, triple check… One last walk through the document…
I felt I was spending too much time doing what I was doing, because I feared it was not perfect!
Then he continued…
“When we are looking for perfection, we are really in search for flaws…that is what we are really searching for in the search for perfection.
This is what makes us miserable. There is no such thing as perfection.
We will always find flaws…
This is what makes us miserable.
Search for perfection, and you will always be miserable…
Then he simply walked away.
How does this pertain to August?
I have decided that the opposite of “perfection”, for me, is “august.”
August can only exist once you rid your search for perfection.
LuCy sMiLeS
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