When we were kids, it was so embedded in our minds, what success was to look like.
If we think back as to what we envisioned our lives to be, when we were younger, it usually, more often than not, was very typical… at least I know it was for me.
Go to school; hopefully reach post-secondary education; graduate; marry; have children; have more children; perhaps have a dual income raising family; save for retirement; retire…
Not to say that this is not a wonderfully planned life of sheer pleasure, and fulfillment…but it is hard to go against the grain and think outside of this typical structure, and see success in a different light.
Even if we have already achieved this, and it is what we strived for, there is always a chance we may want to take a look at the dreams and aspirations still inside our hearts, to come out…
Believing that we can make our way another way can be hard to comprehend, when we have many heads turn if we make a turn that is other than the straight and narrow.
This may deter us from seeing our true passion, and believing that our talents and creativity can actually be our path to success, not just a daydream, on our 3 o’clock coffee break…
No one can tell you where your dreams are going to take you.
You have all the power in the world to manifest them into reality as long as you can think them up in your head.
What are your dreams? Are they beyond you to express and materialize?
If you have already answered the first question, do yourself a favour and answer ‘no” to the second.
Don’t second guess your genius.
Imagine Shakespeare, Einstein, or Vincent Van Gogh second guessing theirs?
The world is made up of amazing talent, that each one carries within us…
But we first must go beyond our belief that it is beyond us to bear…
Let your doubt be beyond you…
It’s beyond me!
LuCy sMiLeS
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