Will You Please?

Will You please?
“Where there is a will, there is a way”
We have all at one point or another heard that growing up, right?

It doesn’t matter where we turn our heads, we are always
hearing yet another amazing story of glorious accomplishment,
whether on TV, in the daily newspaper, magazines or other reading
material we carry with us, from home, or stumble across in coffee shops, etc.
And thankfully so.

With all the negative happenings in the news, and all of the sad
but true stories of hurt and abuse towards others,
and ourselves due to diminishing beliefs, we need a balance from chaotic catastrophes.

We must be willing to try new things; think outside the box;
step up and take initiative to make changes in our lives that will broaden our horizons…
we can, through this, learn that there is always a way,
as long as we have the will to make things happen for ourselves.

Will you take the initiative and the extra step out of your comfort zone,
knowing that it could be the best step you take?
Willingness to go beyond our everyday borders and search
for our personal passions is not an easy task.

This may mean we have to be willing to let go of much
conditioning that keeps us dead in our tracks.
If you can keep track of what drives you, and pay attention
to what your emotions are during these times,
when our hearts skip a beat, or flutter a bit more than usual,
this could be the sign that you should pay extra attention to.

How do you know something is or is not right for you,
if you are not willing to try it out? Put your heart into everything you do.
If it ends up not right for you, your heart will go… and it brings you with it every time.

LuCy sMiLeS

Imagine That!

It doesn’t take a genius to know that whatever we believe we can have in our lives,
we can have in our lives.
And it doesn’t take a genius to create the
most astounding results from what was first a simple idea.

It always just takes that one initial thought… add a dash of self confidence;
momentum to get things started, and passion to continue without letting go of the vision.

Due to all the exterior programming, and limited beliefs expressed by
many of those around us, we may manifest a fear in our minds… what may happen if
we are successful in our mission, and
will have to be responsible for having made something of ourselves?

Imagine your world, where when you think you can,
you, in turn, know you can, and you just do it.
Whatever that is that you want to do, for you?
Imagine believing in everything your heart desires?
Achieving all of your dreams,
whether you try and fail, and try again…
Try and succeed… you just always give it your best try?

Why is it that we can have so many amazing visions, and day dreams, day in and day out, but feel it necessary to block ourselves from what could be the most beautiful building blocks in our life’s growth?

It is so easy to push out passions aside, and make excuses for why we are too busy with “real life” pressures and responsibilities that we just cannot imagine taking the time for ourselves, to really live up to our full potential.

If you can potentially fulfill all of your life’s passions, why pass it up?

Imagine what you see your life looking like, if you had dream and made it come true?
For everything you think, you can do.
The responsibility is up to you.

Imagine that?
Then do it..
LuCy sMiLeS

Take It or Leave It

Take It Or Leave It

How much of what you think and feel during the day is influenced by your relationship with others; be it work related, social, or intimate?
We have many things on our mind’s plate, ourselves, personally- related to dreams, worries, aspirations and goals.

However, when we go about our day, we are interacting with all sorts of energies, and involve ourselves with an array of attitudes and attributes brought forth by others, besides our own.

It is easy to get swept away by what others are going through; what others have to say about what we are going through, and what we are going through in our relationships with others.

In life, we thrive on love, support, and most of all acceptance from others with whom we cherish having in our lives.
Though it is important having positive reactions and attention from others to guide and help us in our growth of becoming the strongest and best we can be, the truth is this:

We may look for reassurance from others, and we can only hope that those we surround ourselves with will treat us with respect, care and unconditional love; but when it comes down to it, what others think about us in none of our business.

We must understand that we are in complete ownership of every choice that we make. We must take what we need to take to be the best we can be… leave anything else that is stunting our growth, behind us. This will allow us to walk forward, without any influence but “our own”, where now will be able to walk the path, without worrying if it is right…

It is simply “rightfully ours.”

We all deserve trusting relationships with others, this will never change.
But what needs to change is our belief that what others think of us is who we are.
We need to take in our own opinions and our own advice, and leave the rest.

And as we wish to have done onto us, as we would do onto others,
we must sit in non-judgment to allow others to take their own course, and of course give as much love and care to them, on their way.

LuCy sMiLeS

“Been there; done that…”

Looking back on patterns that we have adopted in our behaviors based
on experiences; we can begin to see what the feeling was behind our experiences,
that ultimately lead to these patterns.

To simplify; with every experience comes an emotion.
When we go through something, whether it be positive, or negative, our minds can comprehend much of this based on past experience.

We become comfortable with a certain emotion that we are familiar with.
Perhaps we attract certain repeated experiences, because we are so in tune with these familiar emotions that result from this, creating the patterns in our lives.

If we can be more aware of how experiences make us “feel” and what emotions and feelings we carry with us, we may then, be able to be more apt to changing our patterns of behavior that do not work for us… that do not, in fact, help us grow!

Not only do we need to know “what “ our emotions are, in certain situations, but “why” we feel this…
What are the triggers of these current emotions? And from what past experience have we carried this with us?

To live in the present, and to live in authenticity, we must get to know ourselves;
What makes us tick?
What emotions stick?

Where you are going will certainly depend on where you have been, when you carry the emotions with you from that position you have been in, in the past.
We have every capability to shift our lives, at any point in our lives, no matter where that place is.
You just have to know where your head is when you body is there…

Then, you will be able to say with confidence:
“Been there; done that…”
Time to move on, body and mind!
LuCy sMiLeS

It’s Beyond Me…

When we were kids, it was so embedded in our minds, what success was to look like.
If we think back as to what we envisioned our lives to be, when we were younger, it usually, more often than not, was very typical… at least I know it was for me.

Go to school; hopefully reach post-secondary education; graduate; marry; have children; have more children; perhaps have a dual income raising family; save for retirement; retire…

Not to say that this is not a wonderfully planned life of sheer pleasure, and fulfillment…but it is hard to go against the grain and think outside of this typical structure, and see success in a different light.
Even if we have already achieved this, and it is what we strived for, there is always a chance we may want to take a look at the dreams and aspirations still inside our hearts, to come out…

Believing that we can make our way another way can be hard to comprehend, when we have many heads turn if we make a turn that is other than the straight and narrow.
This may deter us from seeing our true passion, and believing that our talents and creativity can actually be our path to success, not just a daydream, on our 3 o’clock coffee break…

No one can tell you where your dreams are going to take you.
You have all the power in the world to manifest them into reality as long as you can think them up in your head.

What are your dreams? Are they beyond you to express and materialize?
If you have already answered the first question, do yourself a favour and answer ‘no” to the second.
Don’t second guess your genius.
Imagine Shakespeare, Einstein, or Vincent Van Gogh second guessing theirs?

The world is made up of amazing talent, that each one carries within us…
But we first must go beyond our belief that it is beyond us to bear…

Let your doubt be beyond you…
It’s beyond me!

LuCy sMiLeS

What’s Your Point?

Living our lives, day to day, we can at one point or another, daydream of how we want to make a change, thinking of how things could be, if we just “this, that, or the other…”

Many of us dream of creating a whole new path altogether!

Much of our energy gets put on figuring out what we need to do to make things happen for ourselves, pondering how to be in a better more fulfilling place. This can ultimately result in having no idea what should be done for such a change to occur.
It can get a bit overwhelming, leading not only to restlessness, but feeling a sense of defeat in our existing situation.

Many times, our minds gets so flustered, trying to put together what steps we need to take to create this “better life.”

Not to say that our current conditions are not adequate, but we know inside when our minds and our hearts are letting us know that we deserve all that we want.

If you can first believe you are worthy of making your dreams come true, and not limit yourself to the programming from the past that tells you that you should simply “be happy with what you have”, and not aspire to anything more; you may just then be able to see the light that is ready to guide you to the most amazing life you could have ever imagined! You can perhaps now start seeing the pieces that were missing to get to your point… See my point?

And may I point out that once you get there, it gets even better than that!
What’s your point?

LuCy sMiLeS

Spare Me…

Throughout our days, much of our spare time is filled with gossip, the latest trends in technology, fashion, and many other miscellaneous and mundane fill ins to take us to a more casual level of being, where we don’t have to think so much.

We look to these various forms of banter, to escape from
the more serious demeanor we portray while fulfilling our
obligations at work, and at home, to find a sense of balance.

If we had to be serious all of the time, we would burn out.

Although we are worthy of taking a break from all
the responsibility and duties that take up
most of our Monday to Friday schedules;
there is much more out there, to balance out our hectic hours.

It is integral for us to spend our spare time filled with activities and
pursuits that will bring us more long term fulfillment,
rather than simply instant gratification.

If you take inventory of your spare time and how it is actually spent,
and whether or not is actually in line with your long term goals,
you may wish to make small changes to revamp your schedule.

Just like we may plan our long term financial freedom,
it is just as important to
spend our free time wisely.
What we surround ourselves with now
will directly influence what happens years from now.
It’s never too early to invest in our future.

LuCy sMiLeS