If It's Not One Thing; It's Another!

"Take all the time you Need ." LoVe LuCy

Do you ever wonder how you can be so clear on something, and ready to stick to your guns that what you are feeling is so right and so true; then something take place, placing you in a completely different frame of mind?

We are very often very quick to assume that our feelings, once felt, must stay. So many times, this takes place, that we attach to those feelings, even without realizing they have changed.

In life, our thoughts and experiences are always changing.

The one constant from the Universe.Change.Growth.Progression onward.By being open to the idea that with so much that takes places in our lives, it is only natural that our feelings will change with every step we take. Information that is given to us, however it is, is what we use to sit and ponder our feelings towards things.Once more information is given, more change takes place.Once "different" information is given, there will be, as a result, a difference in the way we take the situation at hand.

In letting go of attaching to one thing, as a fixed idea that cannot be changed, we open ourselves up to the possibilities that life has to offer, and the connections from those, that have so many beautiful messages to offer us, as well.

Let life, and the flow of energy go through you, however it does, every day, in an ever changing way. Allow yourself to move within the realm of peace and serenity that everything moves through you, with the intention to help guide you, without the obligation of latching on, but rather, letting go.

LuCy sMiLeS


"A Moment is All You Need." LoVe LuCy

Of course, when we are contemplating our lives, we are looking into the future, as to how we want to see ourselves, where, and with whom.
We are hopeful that we can be strong enough to make the appropriate decisions to get to that appropriate place, for us.

It is scary, at times. What are we supposed to do, now?
What is the right answer to all the questions we have in our heads as to what to do next, to get to where we are just hoping, from these answers, we will go.

Some days, we can go through the hours, just simply being with, being around others, and not being so analytical about all the things we need in our lives, to be happy.
Other days, however, things will creep up into our little minds, and make us sit, think and feel a need to make decisions, about our present lives.

These are times, when our souls are calling on us to evaluate, within, if we are actually living in our element, and in alignment with our true essense.

Kind of like a Soul "Check-up".

It gives us the opportunity to be with ourselves, and be honest with ourselves, and our loved ones, what we truly feel is necessary for us, to be in a space of serenity, inside, even when circumstances outside, may prove to be much less that serene.

Being open, as much as we need, as many times as we need, to stay open to our truth, is so imperative to our growth.
No matter how fearful we are for what others may think, we must keep our true thoughts of our true selves in upmost care, before we can even begin to care for others.

If this means, for now, we sense that our needs are to simply focus on our needs, alone, for better understanding of life, as a whole; let that be all the sense that you need.

LuCy sMiLeS


"It's only okay; except when it isn't." LoVe LuCy

With so many beliefs being brought to the table by so many beings, it is hard, sometimes, to bring to the forefront, in remembrance, what ours are.When we meet people and make connections, it is always a beautiful thing to hear all that others think, feel and live.It allows us to seek understanding, from others' experiences and understandings.

Many times we will nod our heads in agreement, just as much, perhaps in awe, or confusion.All of the above just as imperative in our growth.We don't have to agree with someone, to gain clarity.Sometimes by being confused, we gain more clarity, about ourselves.Clarity that we are still ok to honour our feelings.

Our purpose here, today, as was yesterday, is to be in touch with those whom we can connect with in order to find order in our lives, by looking within ourselves, and finding the answers that we couldn't find on our own.We share our ideas, sit with others' ideas, whether or not we have the faintest idea what their thoughts are.

What we do with those ideas that we either agree or disagree with, is to live, learn grow and ultimately stick to our own ideas, whether they were expanded in truth from others, or whether it remained true that we are true to our own ideas, in reflection.It is important to grow.It is important to be true to your feelings.

Ideas of others will resonate and allow you to expand you.

The connection grows, as your values , beliefs and disposition match, making a wonderful match of feeling true love, care and compassion.Or they don't, and you expand, still.
By standing tall, with your will.


LuCy sMiLeS