"Whatever you do, do it with Love."
LoVe LuCy
LoVe LuCy
Life is all about choices. What we do, how we decide to do it, and who we decide to do it with.
We all have the choice to make things happen marvelously in our lives, as we do to not show up at all, in our lives.
It is up to us how we want to live.
We can all make excuses for why we are not achieving our live's goals, and not living our lives to our full potential.
Sometimes, we may feel that making excuses for not having is just so much easier than going for what we want; what we know we can surely have, if we just have the will.
All of us, every last one of us is worthy of absolute abundance.
It is our birthright to be wealthy, loved, and successful in all aspects of our lives.
So, why is it that we have such an effortless time sabotaging all that we are, and sometimes, as a result, sabotaging our relationships with others, in the process?
The first step to changing this is actually very easy...
Know what you are doing, know what is not working and decide that if the results that you are getting are not helping you grow, you MUST do something in its place to change from this place of sabotage, to growth.
Then, simply watch change take place, and find yourself in a new place of love, abundance, and self worth.
For all of you that may be in this place of self-doubt, fear, sabotaging all that is around you; know this:
Whatever has transpired in your life, to now, is just what you have given thought and power to.
You have just as much power to change all that is not working in your life, and exchange it for something better, and beautiful.
Because you deserve it. Because your are beautiful.
Because the past does not, and never can predict your future, unless you decide to live your present and future by your past experience.
And if you don't believe you do can change?
Change your belief.
"Dedicated to a special someone ... I know I can soar like an Eagle, because I believe I can, as I believe you can too."
LuCy sMiLeS
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