All of The Above

"There are no questions your Angels cannot answer."

LoVe LuCy

"I wouldn't know where to begin..."

"My kids are too young..."

"I am too old..."

"There is no time..."

"I don't have enough money..."

It is interesting all the excuses we can come up with; some rather creative, when it comes to justifying why we are unable to follow our creative passions, let alone profit from them.Our minds seem to have no problem with finding numerous problems standing in the way of our ultimate happiness.

Truth be told, I am sure many of us would have certain challenges facing us, when we wish to face our goals; but the main challenge is not the issues standing in our way; but instead, ourselves standing in our own way.

If we believe that our lives are being dictated by so many conflicts diminishing our chances at attaining our desires, so will be it!

Would it not be of some benefit for us to take the list of blocks and challenge ourselves to seek for solutions in its place?

The only reason a problem is a problem is if it has a solution. If any or all of the above scenarios, or your own issues are taking you from triumph in any area of your life; I dare you to challenge yourself to prosper, by picking even one at a time and replace it with perseverance to push through the problems, manifesting your passions!


LuCy sMiLeS

By Far

"Our predictions, more often than not, will manifest."

LoVe LuCy

Do you ever notice that what you think is going to happen, ends up happening?

There are a few cases where we may believe something bad will happen, and we are pleasantly surprised that we were off the mark, and we are happy to report we are safe and sound, no matter what fears scared us.

But, likely, what we believe is going to transpire, tends to transpire, based on our energy and focus of things to come. We have all had the bad days, where we wake up, and everything seems to go wrong, creating a snowball effect of chaos throughout our day. As such, we have amazing days, where we feel so inspired and grateful, we shine morning noon and night, with so much to smile about!

The cycle of life has many aspects to it.In a world of duality, what goes up must come down. Our mindset, however, which plays the biggest part in our reality, can allow us to have control over just how much we feel our lives are up in the air, in disarray. I

f we can believe that all is well, as a rule, instead of as an exception; when things do seemingly hit rock bottom, we can be more apt to rise to the occasion and create balance, in the most instable of times.

Chances are that by far, we have more positive than negative experiences.And the challenges that we do go through allow us to be humble when we are faced in the presence of praise. We wouldn't know what a blessing looked like, if all we had was goodness to go on.

Take life, for what it is worth, feeling worthy in every experience given to you to grow. If you feel like you want to throw your hands up in the air, every once in a while?Go ahead... But don't forget to jump at the chance to jump in the air in excitement, every once in a while, as well!


LuCy sMiLeS

Survey Says

"Once you let all your attachments to others go, all your connections will grow."

LoVe LuCy

Friends. What would we do without them? The times when we feel like we are going to pull our hair out, we simply stop to pick up the phone, instead.

The mornings we wake up and feeling like we cannot get out of bed, we pull out our blackberry to continue the supportive messenger thread.

Our connections are so important. We may think we have to be there for ourselves, first, before we can be there for anyone else, and that is very much true; however, having support in our lives, while we learn about ourselves, and our self worth is like sunshine on a rainy day.

There have certainly been times, in my life, where I wasn't sure which way was up or down, that it took a friend or two to set me straight.

I have done the same, for them, as well. While being there for each other is what makes the world go around, we must also take into consideration what opinions around us are that of which may not be best for us, this time around. Everyone has a story, and many may have something to say about ours, as well.

Knowing that we have friends and loved ones to help us look at things in our lives, with clarity, when the clouds may be overwhelming our mental sky, is great! Knowing how to discern what works for us, no matter what suggestions are being shared, is even better. Take all the time you need, and all the suggestions you need to consider, when contemplating your own life's creation.

Create healthy boundaries when it comes to owning your power in your life, so you can be that much more empathetically powerful serving support in the lives of others!

LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS