All of The Above
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Survey Says

"Once you let all your attachments to others go, all your connections will grow."
LoVe LuCy
Friends. What would we do without them? The times when we feel like we are going to pull our hair out, we simply stop to pick up the phone, instead.
The mornings we wake up and feeling like we cannot get out of bed, we pull out our blackberry to continue the supportive messenger thread.
Our connections are so important. We may think we have to be there for ourselves, first, before we can be there for anyone else, and that is very much true; however, having support in our lives, while we learn about ourselves, and our self worth is like sunshine on a rainy day.
There have certainly been times, in my life, where I wasn't sure which way was up or down, that it took a friend or two to set me straight.
I have done the same, for them, as well. While being there for each other is what makes the world go around, we must also take into consideration what opinions around us are that of which may not be best for us, this time around. Everyone has a story, and many may have something to say about ours, as well.
Knowing that we have friends and loved ones to help us look at things in our lives, with clarity, when the clouds may be overwhelming our mental sky, is great! Knowing how to discern what works for us, no matter what suggestions are being shared, is even better. Take all the time you need, and all the suggestions you need to consider, when contemplating your own life's creation.
Create healthy boundaries when it comes to owning your power in your life, so you can be that much more empathetically powerful serving support in the lives of others!
LoVe, LuCy sMiLeS