"Complaining gets you nowhere; kidding stops your complaining!"
LoVe LuCy
Imagine you can live your ideal life.Your ideal location, ideal circle of influence, ideal weight, height, you name it...On our journey to greatness, we all have a few select areas in which we certainly can improve upon.
We have certain behaviors we can toss to the curb, to help us get our heads on straight. There is always going to be something.
We are here to learn, grow and grow more.The more we can focus on the growth and the solutions for our "somethings" that can use work, the better we can get through this wonderful journey.
A very special secret to finding these solutions is to keep in touch with our better side, and perhaps toss our complaining to the curb. We all know certain people who seem to have more than enough to complain about, whether it comes to their jobs, their relationships, or just simply anything they can bring up at the moment. Not to say that we all haven't been there, ourselves. But sometimes it is important to check in with ourselves to be certain we are on the track to solution finding, before we find ourselves spending our energy on the negative.
Problems will come and go, and come and go.If we can learn from them the first time, chances are we will find we have less to complain about, all in all!
So, if you find yourself getting in a rut about anything, don't kid yourself into believing that sitting and complaining about it is going to get you anywhere.Never has, never will.I kid you not!
LuCy sMiLeS